Saturday, January 4, 2014

Random Weekly Rant 6.0

Not sure why, but the plan was to get back on track on January 2nd.  I even went out on New Years Day and had supper with Shaneen and Val as 'the last supper' of Christmas poor eating. We all had identical meals at Boston Pizza. Yum!

a 3-way split of cheese twist bread

chicken quesadillas w. sweet potato fries 
This was probably one of the tastiest meals I had in soooo long! I can't remember the last time I went to Boston Pizza and ordered anything other than a salad.. 

Anyways,  it still hasn't clicked in that the holidays are over. So, so sad. I 've already told you how moderation doesn't work too well for me. I'm generally really good or really bad with my eating. But more often than not, I ensure to keep on top of exercise. Yup, haven't exercised since the new year started either…and I just have to mention that I could probably start a drinking game for every time I've typed "New Year" on this blog. It feels like I have been continuously typing it in the last 3 posts.

Anyways, today I was a little all over the place with the power outage. I made the most of my day and slept in ..? .. cleaned/rearranged my baking cupboard, cooking cupboard, alcohol cupboard (O being an adult), fridge and basement. Next up, the Christmas tree. I probably should have rid the Christmas decorations/tree today while it was light out .. instead, I took a cleaning break and cuddled in a fur blanket while reading. 

Backing it up though .. here is how eating went..

The power was gone when I woke up, so I didn't have the option of cooking anything. As per usual (even when the power is on), I went with an apple and a scoop shovel of peanut butter (best meal of life!).

A few hours later, I went over to David's as he was planning on making soup on his little stove in the shed. Luckily, on the ride to his house, the lights of Pouch Cove started to come back on. 

When we arrived, it had been 4.5+ hours since I had eaten, so I broke out the snacks I had packed, and munched on some cracked pepper crackers with spicy hummus.

O, and 'someone' (not me) started the Happiness Project as we sat and chowed down! And might I add ... he is loving it :) 

The lights started to flash off and on a little while later, so Nancy started the cooking (crossing our fingers that the power wouldn't go out again). The woman is actually the best.cook.ever! On the menu for tonight, she had Indian. 

She had an Indian Epicure seasoning (queen of Epicure / she sells it) that she mixed in a wok with chicken cubes, chick peas, prunes (better than it sounds), red pepper and olives. 

and boiled vegetables 

and of course, there was naan bread.
and of course, I could not say no.

I skipped the cookies that were right in the front of me .. that were telling me to have a little taste test .. that were BEGGING for me to take a little nibble .. and instead, had a cinnamon pastry flavoured coffee. Yum!

A short while later, low and behold, in comes Nancy with  'try this'. She had what looked to be an expensive white box that was staggered with white chocolate and dark chocolate truffles. 

So I said yes to a white.

Ok, and then to a dark (but I only ate a half of the dark .. I could have kept eating, but decided to share).

Anyways, as said in the title .. this post had started as a random rant (the moment where everything that bothers me or doesn't bother me .. or I just feel like saying, comes out via blog).

And go!

  • It bewilders me when I see an adult at Starbucks drinking from the kid size cup. Like how is that satisfying? And that's probably the most insignificant, pathetic  point I have ever written on this blog. Wow.
  • I tried this whole "wash my hair twice a week" thing .. yup, twice since the 28th and LOVING it. Good thing I'm not in grade 6 .. as I'm sure I'd be told I had lice now
  • Started my week out on a positive note with some healthy groceries. Got lazy, and left them in the truck (life size fridge attitude) .. later realized I had 8 cartons on egg whites in there. Frozen. Hashtag Einstein
  • I REALLY want a dog lately. I REALLY want a pug, actually
  • I could probably win a cheeseburger contest against any dude. I haven't eaten one in quite a spell .. but I still think I could win
  • I know there probably hasn't been a month since September, that I haven't blabbed on or mentioned Gros Mourne. Well, I don't care .. cause it was probably one of the best (if not the best) weekends I had in 2013. Also, I'm just telling you this because I finally got a hold of the camera that holds the majority of our pictures
  • Typing that point above makes me want cheeseburgers .. or hot dogs .. I'm eating a hot dog (two actually) this year
  • I love how I said in my *2014, Bring It* post that I wanted to start writing about things that matter .. yet I continue to ramble on about my random thoughts and enlighten you about 'me, me, me'. Miss popular. Miss awesome
  • I've been sleeping in a fair amount over the holidays. I tell David constantly that I'm cutting sleepovers cause he MAKES me sleep in. I tell him that he wouldn't know what to do without me there cause I'm that awesome. And that when I wake in the morning, that he grabs my arm and insists that I stay. And that he doesn't recall this because he's still half asleep (this doesn't happen but I convince him it does)I laugh so hard as this really seems to frustrate him. I'm laughing so hard as I type this yet I'm sure you find it 0% funny
  • I have my personal training exam coming up and I'm SO lazy for studying. Ugh.
  • I REALLY don't wanna go back to work next week. I REALLY wanna flee to Paris and live on crackers and coffee
  • I found this gem as I was cleaning up the photos from my phone. Best run I had over Christmas. Real hawt chick, too. Real nice hair with zero fly-a-ways

ps. what is this stupid face?
and why do I take so many selfies? It's the damn blog.

  •  I like boiled hot dogs better than bbq. I now have hot dogs on the brain
  • I also have food in general on the brain
  • One minute I wanna pay off my house in 10-minutes and the next, I wanna pay it off in 25-years and save all my money and book a random flight and go
  • I am officially up to date with Chicago Fire!! This is huge
  • Snow storms actually aren't as bad as people make them out to be. So lazy for you Facebook complainers! If it's not the storm it's something else
  • Dying for  Marble Mountain ski trip .. takers?
  • Speaking of Facebook .. and complaining .. seeing how I'm bitching about complainers with my own complaint (I know, I make little sense), but don't you die at those dramatic Facebook status' where someone posts something like "So sick of this bull shit. Done with stupid people in my life. Time for ME to be happy.....etc" blah blah .. and then someone comments with "what's up hun? everything alright?" and then the poster of the status posts with "don't wanna talk about it" or "inbox me". OMFG! These people boil my blood!! Why o why would you post that?!! It has to be the most attention seeking act known to man. F*cking Facebook
  • I'm debating this whole 'Orange is the new Black' show .. downloaded the first season and I only have two days left to watch tv
  • David came over in the blizzard to shovel my driveway .. I asked him if he needed help. "no thanks" he said, and I was so relieved .. and then he turned around and said "well you can if you want" .. but see the thing is, I really didn't want to. So I said I had " I got no boots" (cause I seriously didn't). Mean girl? I still feel bad from that scenario..
  • Omg, cutest idea ever or no? I am definitely making those little packages as Christmas gifts next year. Love love love.

  • On another DIY note, I made these for Christmas gifts this year. I simply went to bulk barn, stocked up on my favorite nuts/chocolate and layered them as a gift for some of my chocolate-loving friends.

  • Yesterday I tried the Healthy Grill and Juice Bar on Elizabeth Avenue. $9.99 for 20-oz. I drank it  in 2.3 second. Not kidding

  • the Mix: kale, parsnip, apple and beet - DEADLY! The color makes it look unappetizing, but it was fantastic!

  • This year, I wanna start wearing red lipstick regularly 
  • Emily is doing a half marathon in January and I'm loving that's she's loving the running scene! I think it's gonna be a good year in regards to fitness! I think that she and I are REALLY gonna keep each other on track
  • This year, I plan on eating more red meat. My iron had a huge increase when I started on the red-meat train in August and I noticed a huge increase in my energy. Score!!
  • I plan on visiting Karla this spring and hopefully, doing a half marathon
  • What are your thoughts on vlogging? Video-blogs! Rob and I have talked about this on countless occasions .. I think I'm gonna give it a go. My god, I'd talk the ear off 'ya
  • I feel like two-ton tess here tonight. ugh
  • I'm debating the 'my fitness pal' trend again. It's truly an eye opener when you're overeating
  • I locked lips with over 5, but under 10 young fellows this year .. can you guess?
  • I mentioned that this year I want a 'good' camera. Well just so ya know (cause you're probably dying to know.....) I've been calling around, and the Nikon J3 (the one I have my eye on) is out of stock EVERYWHERE
  • I also mentioned that I want to try a new ethnic dish each month. I've also got a jump start on this and have been doing my research on what I want to try

  • This year, I wanna experiment more with healthy baking .. and NOT eat it all in one sitting
  • Carrots 'n' Cake (my second favourite blog) plans on posting 8-weeks of different challenges for her readers. Last week, it was to document everything you eat for a week. I started .. then FAIL! This week, it's 'Log FOUR Workouts'. Her post goes as follows: 

"Here are three of my top tips for this week:

Sometime this weekend, sit down and schedule your four workout sessions for this week. Pull out your calendar, maybe even the group exercise schedule at your gym, and plan out when exactly you will work out. Set up your sweat sessions just like regular appointments that can’t be missed! And here’s why this is key to fitness motivation!

Get specific with your workouts! For example: Monday = Body Pump, Tuesday = 3 miles on the treadmill, Wednesday = off, Thursday = Body Pump, Friday = 20 minutes of yoga + 15 minutes of core work at home, Saturday = off. That way, you get a variety of workouts in your week and you’re more likely to stick to them because you can prepare yourself ahead of time for them.

Just do it. Don’t feel like working out? Turn your brain on autopilot, put on your workout clothes, and get your butt in gear. If you start thinking about how tired you are or everything you need to do at home, you will inevitably delay your workout and/or skip it all together. Just shut off your brain and GO WORK OUT! Simply starting your workout is more than half the battle! " yup, seeing how tomorrow is the start of a week, I'm gonna go for it! Bam!

  • I was told in an appointment last week, that in order to close my top and bottom teeth (I have a very wide opening), that I require braces on top and bottom, then two jaw surgeries. Omg. Decisions. Scary decisions
  • As I sit in this cozy little cottage style living soon, on the last Saturday night of Christmas holidays, I am so SO happy :)
  • And now, I'm shutting up and saying Happy Saturday! :)

Happy Saturday!! :)

If you'd like to check out my previous rants, click the links below:

1. What's your favorite ethnic dish?
2. Have you had many good workouts since the year started?
3. What's your favorite green juice mixture?
4. What's your 'go-to' 

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