Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekly Workout Summary + Morning Protein Pick-Me-Ups

Hey guys,

Just dropping in at lunch to share a few unexciting 'goings on'.

First off, my Sunday.


I switched it up this morning and decided to have a 'treat' by scrapping the keurig and bringing on the tassimo!

I tried the cappuccino rather than coffee, and boy did it give me a boost! My sister just moved in with me and she has a lot of pretty deadly kitchen thangs .. including the tassimo. My god, you should see our coffee / tea cupboard! Crazy!

I was actually SO hungry when I woke up today, so I went with a small apple (knowing I'd be eating more than one before the day was out. ugh) <-- ha, I say 'ugh' as if I have no control over the amount of apples I consume .. worst

For breakfast, I went with some plain greek yogurt with a pinch of stevia (natural sweetener)! I tried this last night for the first time (seeing how I had an abundance of plain greek yogurt in the fridge and everyone knows it tastes gross alone) and it was absolutely delicious! It reminded me of vanilla greek yogurt. Yum!

I also had a banana oat square.

Around 9-am, the hunger pains started to roar and I ended up eating another apple and some celery with all-natural peanut butter.

..and then by 11 .. I was snacky again!

I sat at my desk and munched on some peppers.

My phone died after that so I didn't snap anymore pictures.

I did however, make sure I ate: hummus, spaghetti squash, carrots, more celery :)

Note: Feeling great today :)

Last Workout of the Week

I hate how the gym closes at 8-pm on weekends cause I don't make it back to the city until after 7! Last night, I got to the gym at 7 on the nose. I chatted with Rob as he was leaving and then punched out a 3-mile run. I ran fast and I felt amazing afterwards.

I was a little uncomfortable for the first mile because I was starving, but this soon passed as I worked up a sweat!

selfie queen there
..such an unflattering photo.. it's just my proof ;)

When I got home around 8:30, I was as hungry as a horse. It was another 'get food in me now' moment and I ended up having an apple with all-natural peanut butter (though I already had an apple(s) Saturday). Yup. Hold the judgement.

I didn't give the apple enough time to set in and ended up going straight for one of Samantha's greek yogurts. I tried to minimize the bottom of the yogurt as that's the area with all the sugars.

..I obviously ate some of the bottom part though.

After my little greek yogurt kick, I was fiending for the stuff. I took some plain greek, added a tiny portion of stevia and 2T of unsweetened shredded coconut.


This was fantastic! I ate sooo many calories  post-gym but I guarantee I could have put down another serving of yogurt.

After my little binge, I showered up, relaxed and tried to be in bed for 10. I passed out and woke up around 10:30 when David strolled in.

We relaxed and told stories and were up super late being chatty Miss Cathys (hence why I'm running on almost 2L of coffee today). Now that deserves an 'UGH'.

Last Week Workouts

Last week went exceptionally well with workouts! Well, in regards to 'listen to your body'.

I didn't workout too hard yet I still managed to make it to the gym 5 times. I'm working an 18-day shift right now (today was day 6) so I'm trying to make good decisions in the evenings. I really don't wanna burn myself out.

Anyways, the whole reason I stopped in was to share a recipe with you guys (and the calorie count for this one).

Morning Protein Wake-Me-Ups
Serving - 4 balls


1/2 cup rolled oats 
2T ground flax 
1/4 scoop of chocolate peanut butter protein powder 
2T of unsweetened shredded coconut
2T coffee

1tsp vanilla extract
2.25tsp agave 
1/4C of all-natural peanut butter 

1. Mix dry ingredients
2. Mix wet ingredients
3. Combine both dry and wet ingredients
4. Roll mixture into balls
5. Let sit in the fridge for 2-3 hours
6. Serve and enjoy your delicious protein snack

Nutritional Break-down

So these worked out to be a little over 250-calories for one. That might seem like quite a bit for a 'snack',  but they are o so filling!

They're a delicious quick grab n' go and they're perfect if your sweet tooth kicks in during the day. Yum!

Between Samantha and I, those bad boys were demolished in 2 days :)

ALERT: I actually ate an entire wake-me-up before they even made it the fridge.
Note to self: When baking, never lick the spoon..

Anyhow, I hope you all had a great weekend and now I'm off to drink some evening Starbucks and enjoy some quality time with Samantha and David!

Ps. There is a big ol' cookie in that bag .. it's a surprise for David since he pretty much cleaned my entire upstairs today when I left for work (some boyyyy). . . but you can bet that I was eyeing it the entire drive home . . somethings never change :)

Ok, for real .. byeeeee!

1. What did you get up too on this windy Sunday?
2. Have any new recipes to share?
3. Will coffee after 8-pm keep you awake? <-- I love it

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