Thursday, January 23, 2014

Last Weeks Workout Review / 2000 calorie intake .. oops!

My new 'must' is to listen to my body. If I don't feel like working out, then I don't work out. 

I started doing a 2-days on,  2-days off of the gym over a week a go and really enjoyed it. Since I ended up working on Wednesday night, that meant that I took 3 nights off instead of 2. To even the score, I worked out for a 3 day stretch.

I find myself driving home in the evening, feeling exhausted and then making a pit stop for an energy drink to perk me up. This brings me up on a high and then brings me to a crashing low. It affects my sleep patterns and then the next day at work I'm all over the place. It's just a poor cycle.

Anyways, what I'm trying to get at, is that I only worked out 4 last week and am really glad I made that decision. I'm gad I didn't push myself to get in 5 days and I'm glad that I listened to my body. I was actually considering a workout last Wednesday and sat in the gym parking lot. I then decided to prioritize, and I knew that work-work was on top of the list. If I had of done both, I would have had a late night that resulted in a very dragged out Thursday.

Wow. What a ridiculously boring 3 paragraphs. I apologize...kinda.

And how ridiculous that I'm posting a 'last weeks workout' when it's Thursday.. ugh. Better late than never though, right? Right!

Sunday - Night off 

Monday - Night off 

Tuesday - Bodyflow 

3x10 reps - chest press machine (90-lbs)
3x10 reps - tricep press machine (90-lbs)
3x10 reps - side lateral raise (12-lb/arm)

Tuesday night I spontaneously decided to go to Bodyflow class at the gym after a  15-20-minute circuit. I hadn't been there in almost a year, but remembered how much I used to love it. Emily recently told me that she was a huge fan, so I shot her a text. She quickly responded and booted it to Torbay Road GoodLife after finishing up an intense All Terrain class at Atlantic Place (totally knew she would say yes).

The class was awesome and I sweat a lot more than I remembered. Flow is a mixture of yoga, thai chi and pilates. The stretches definitely had me recognize some muscles that I forgot about.

Wednesday - Night off
I had some work to do from home on Wednesday so I ended up stopping for Starbucks and heading to Pouch Cove to enter the wonderful world of excel.

Thursday - Bodyflow
(a different release class)

I had a carb-filled lunch on Friday so I was pretty rearing to go when I headed to the gym. I actually had the best workout I've had since the year started (I think so anyway).

3x10 reps dumbbell shoulder press (20-lbs) 
3x10 reps dumbbell curl (20-lbs)
3x10 reps side lateral raise (12-lbs)
3x10 reps cross-chest dumbbell raise (20-lbs)
3x10 reps shoulder shrugs (35-lbs)
3x10 reps Smith Machine behind the back shrugs (120-lbs)

I finished my weights in 30:21 and then headed for some cardio.

I had planned to play Treadmill Roulette but didn't have my cards with me. Instead, I did an interval run  and time spent varied on the length of the song.

1-minute warm-up at 3.8mph
Song 1 - 5.0mph
Song 2 - 5.5mph
Song 3 - 5.0mph
Song 4 - 6.0mph
Song 5 - 5.0mph
Song 6 - 6.5mph
Song 7 - 5.0mph
Song 8 - 7.0mph
Song 9 - 5.5mph
1-minute cool-down at 3.8mph

After a 46-minute jog, I did 3x30 reps of both bicycle crunches and toe touches and 25 flights (5-minutes) on the stairmaster.

Let's finish by saying that Friday was a good day in the world of health and fitness :)


I had planned to head to flow at 9:50-am but when I woke up, I had a massive headache and decided to go back to sleep. When I woke again, I convinced myself that I might skip and just consider this day a ride-off.

I was notttt feeling the gym on at alllll, but the handful(s) of trail mix at Costco must have triggered something. 

My legs were a little sore from Friday so I had only planned a 2.5-mile run. I ended up jogging at a slow pace (5.0mph) for an hour and was loving it! I started my first minute at 3.8mph and finished my last minute at 3.8 (going a little over to make sure I hit 5.0-miles). 

Though I went at a slower pace, it was such a comfortable run! :)

Anyways, tis' all, friends!

Hope you have a fantastic Thursday! :)

Ps. Day 3 of myfitness pal

  • I wrote this post super quick (had it started a few nights a go) and I'm kinda rushing so I'm not checking for errors. Sorry (not really though)
  • I ate eggs with my protein pancakes cause I ran out of egg whites (Samantha is gonna buy me some today ... cause I'm also out of eggs as of this morning)
  • 193 'quick calories' at lunch was the edamame salad
  • 109 'quick calories' in snacks was for the raisin oat ball (you totally want that recipe)
  • I ate almost 2000-calories actually ... I forgot to add the sweet potato casserole (223 calorie..or maybe 221.5? whatever) .. anyways .. that picture was saved before noticing this
  • I didn't add green juice yet as I'm still figuring that one out
  • Don't judge my 2000-calories. I get up at 4:05-am and get to bed from 10-11 so that leaves a large window for hunger
  • ...and I run a lot of stair towers during my day :)
  • Look at the sugar .. fruit..addict

Goodbye for real!

1. Do you like workout classes?
2. Have you ever tried bodyflow?


  1. I love, love, love group fitness classes! Does your club offer BodyAttack?! Its my absolutely fave followed by BodyStep. I've done flow a few times but I'm feeling a yoga day I'd rather to a hot class. Hot yoga seriously changed my life <3

  2. Attack is awesome! I work out of town and don't get back until after 7 every night so my only 'class' option is Flow. It's nice and relaxing but with a kick haha The next Moksha class I can attend isn't until 8:30-pm (which is an hour) and then I'd have a half hour drive home. I get up at 4:05-am for work so I just can't fit it in!
    I've been following yourself and Georgia though. Looks like you're both doing great with it!!

    Step - I've never tried it but I should definitely add it to my list! My friend Tif who lives in Halifax said that they just started a new Jillian Michaels class. Cool, hey?
