Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014, Bring it!

I wanted to avoid writing a list for my goals of 2014, but what would this blog be without a Vic-list? I could pretend I didn't have one but I know damn well that I'd find sticky notes, scribbled jot notes, cell phone reminders and more of things I want to cross off.

It's who I am.

It's the structure I crave.

With that being said, I give you a summary of my Goals, Plans, Resolutions & whatever  else you may call it for the big 2014!

Health & Fitness 

  1. Run at least 3 5-k races
  2. Run a 10-k
  3. Run a half marathon
  4. Run a theme race
  5. Eat 100% paleo for one month (because I wanna feel that good)
  6. Get my personal training certification (on my 25 while 25, too)
  7. Go kayaking
  8. Try Crossfit (this keeps coming up .. why haven't I done this yet)
  9. Take a new class at GoodLife
  10. Run the Tely 10
  11. Go on an overnight hike
  12. Run faster and feel comfortable
  13. Beat all 5k, 10k and 10mi racing times
  14. Lift more weights 
  15. Explore the East Coast trail

**I really wanted to set a running goal this year 'I.e. run X amount of miles' but I have yet to come up with a number that is practical yet challenging

Eating & Food

  1. Eat and/or drink at Mallard's Cottage
  2. Cook more
  3. Start juicing regularly
  4. Make a crockpot dish at least once a month (so convenient)
  5. Try 5 new restaurants in town
  6. Treat myself and not be so hard on myself when I have bad days (which usually results in bingeing)
  7. Stop wasting so much food 
  8. Eat more on my days off work 
  9. Eat less when I'm bored at work
  10. Make healthier choices when out for dinner


  1. Go on a trip
  2. Go back to Gros Mourne
  3. Go back to Fogo
  4. Go camping
  5. Explore more of Newfoundland

Giving to Others 

  1. Bring a meal to a homeless person atleast once a month (best feeling in the world)
  2. Start donating food to local food banks
  3. Start contributing to the school breakfast programs
  4. Volunteer with a non-profitable organization
  5. Give 2-3 bags of clothes to the Salvation Army
  6. Stop spending so much money on myself, and give more to others
  7. Smile more at strangers 
  8. Be more patient with others
  9. Appreciate my friends and family more
  10. Stop first impression judgment (it's nature .. don't pretend you don't do it, too)


Personal / Everything Else 

  1. Build and/or own a garage
  2. Try a new beer
  3. Stop wasting so much paper (I get anxiety and lose control when I write sloppy)
  4. Do more yoga
  5. Start meditating
  6. Get a piercing
  7. Go to a brewery
  8. Get a new tattoo
  9. Do another photoshoot
  10. Go to a concert
  11. Sleep more
  12. Complain less
  13. Cook a surprise romantic dinner for someone 
  14. Learn to knit (still haven't)
  15. Buy two pieces of art work (photography or a print/painting) and get them framed for the house
  16. Host at least 4 brunches (cause I love it)
  17. Find a job I love
  18. Go on a weekend getaway by myself 
  19. Go on a weekend getaway with another
  20. Try a new ethnic dish once a month
  21. Read 12-15 books (awww)
  22. Go on a trip 
  23. Fit into a size 28 jeans
  24. Drink a Guiness in an Irish Pub (July, 2013 - fingers crossed)
  25. Design / organize a new office in my new home
  26. Take a cooking class
  27. Go an entire month without shopping (excluding groceries/birthday shopping for another)
  28. Buy a 'good' camera and take a photography course
  29. Make an iPhoto book
  30. Go to a spa
  31. Try new wines
  32. Stop making excuses
  33. Brew my own alcohol
  34. Re-do my vision board
  35. Organize a workout studio in my basement
  36. Don't give up on this blog
  37. Blog more about things and issues that matter
  38. Never forget why I started blogging
  39. Go on a hot date once a month 
  40. Do something more often than not that puts me out of my comfort zone
  41. Stop taking my pathetic excuses for stress, out on everyone else 
  42. Respond more frequently to emails, text messages and phone calls (ha, miss popular there, right?) <--wrong
  43. Spend more time with my family
  44. Go out to dinner (or breakfast that isn't a coffee shop) by myself 

A big must for this year, is to balance my social life and work life. A lot of social events were skipped this year because I would stress on days off and spend all my free time working out to make up for days missed during the week. This NEEDS to change. I need a healthy balance of both!!

I could go on for days for things that I'd like to change in my life, but over all, I just need to stay focussed on being healthy and happy! 2013 was a fantastic year and I feel as though I accomplished a lot of what I primarily set out to do .. so let's hope 2014 goes the same!

It's not if 2014 will be great .. it's when 2014 is great!


Have a healthy and happy year, friends!

1. What are your big plans for 2014?
2. Any set goals for the new year?
3. Planning any trips?

1 comment:

  1. East Coast Trail is awesome! Good luck needs some company sometime let me know! Cheers. Also Fogo Island not a fun time in winter. FYI.
