Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My Personal Running Essentials

So now that training has began, I've been told that it's time to cut down on the jogging/running. To be quite honest, it's a bit of a relief. I can't lie, I loves me a good jog around Quidi Vidi and this year I even fell into a love/hate relationship with the treadmill at the gym, but it'll be nice to give my knees a break. I commonly get a flare-up in both knees but my left actually deforms into an inflated beach ball. It's ugly. I look like I have chubby-knee-syndrome. I look like chubby-knee-syndrome exists. 

With that being said, I still plan to run 15-20k a week. I have this thing where if I go a while without a little jog, I look in the mirror and can honestly see weight-gain. If I go to the gym and don't perform cardio, it's embedded in my head that I'll gain weight. It's more of a bad habit I guess .. and I've been informed that this is so NOT true. But still, we all have our workout rituals and regulatory 'must dos'.. or at least I do.

Below I give you the essentials to an effective walk/jog/run!

Belkin Arm Grip
If you're like me, you use your iPhone for music. I've spent the last 8 months working out with my phone in my hand, on a machine, falling on a treadmill, stuck in my bra and/or shoved under the drawstring of my pants (which has ended with a hand down the leg of my pants or falling through shorts and widening the already existing crack I have in the screen. 

How did you get a crack in the screen? O, I don't know .. cause I was running on signal hill with my phone in my HAND and face-planted the trail. Ya .. so for the Tely, I invested in an arm band for my phone and it has done wonders. I got this at Future Shop for $29.99 and is super comfortable and out of the way. Try it. Buy it!

Yes, I get chub-rub (F, I hate that but it is kinda funny..) when I run in short shorts. I bought a stick of Body Glide from the Running Room for $9.99. I chub rub this on my inner thighs if I plan a 4+ mile run and it's actually deadly! Still chub but no rub! It's a lose-win kinda scenario! Happy happy :)

GU Chomps
Tiffany first introduced these to me last year. They're pretty much your sugar kick pre/mid run (for a long run). If I plan a 5+ mile run outside, I'll eat 4 before I start and then another 4 half way through. The GUs just get your sugars going and you get that little extra spurt of energy. (To be honest, I haven't run 5+ miles outside in quite a spell).

GUs also come in a gel pack. Karla gave me a packet of chocolate mint last year before the Tely. I got a little weak three quarters of the way through and hauled the pack from my back pocket (warm, sweaty shorts pocket) and into my mouth. 1. It tasted disgusting as I was sweating bullets and in no shape for hot chocolate and 2. I tried spitting it out on the road (bad news bears) and a kid watched me .. only to say "Misses, you got chocolate in your TEET!". ha! Low moment. Very low moment. GU chomps from here on out. 

You can probably purchase these at a number of places but I generally get them at the Running Room. They're $3.49 a pack.

Nike Elastika Short Bra 

I have like 10 sports bras and can NOT for the life of me find the right one for 'me'. Some people suggest Lulu Lemon but I find it causes too much pressure around my neck.I don't know why this is as I don't have much of a 'boob' to support. But it does. Some suggest Victoria's Secret and I can't comment on that suggestion as I've never tried a VS bra. I recently bought this Nike Dri-fit and fell in love. It has a double liner and is the softest material EVER! I actually feel naked when I run without it. I got it at Sports Check for $34.99. I can honestly say that it's worth every penny!

Nike Livestrong Phantom 4 Running Shorts 

These bad boys are my latest and favourite item of choice for my bottom half. Don't get me wrong, I'm loyal to my Lulu leggings but before the Tely in August, I found my crops were constantly falling down while running. I wear crop leggings because my legs rub when I wear shorts but it was last minute and I needed a quick fix. I went to Sports Check and bought these Phantoms on the fly. They have a 7" liner and actually stick to your legs while running. I still used my glide on the morning of the race but honestly, I could have got away with out it if need be. I paid $54.99 for them but they're worth it! Anddddd, aren't they so cool looking? I mean, hello0o0 .. running in style, friends :)

Lulu Lemon Cool Racerback

I'm sure any gal that works out agrees that the Cool Racerback is key for the gym. A few years back Val gave me a bright green one that she didn't wear. Since then I've collected another green, 2 black, a striped, a grey, a salmon and a blue. Whenever I post pictures of my workouts, it's safe to say that I'm sporting one of these tanks. They're the cheapest tank top from the Lulu collection at 42.00. If you don't have one, GET ONE!

Run Inspire Crop II

Lastly, these are one of biggest 'must haves' when being physically active. The Run Inspire Crop II are unbelievable. I wear them EVERYWHERE! They are the comfiest leggings I have ever put on my body and they firm your ass like somethin' sick (hellooo boys). They don't wear away cause of their slick material. They're 92.00 but I would suggest this active wear over any other that I've posted on this blog. I wear them walking, running, hiking, to Costco, to bed? Like .. absolute love! Tif and I bought some last October (I got my first pair in Calgary the year before but Samantha has claimed them for life) and I plan to get another pair at the end of next month when I have access to a Lulu Lemon. Yes, I'm aware Lulu has free shipping but they can't keep these runners in stock.

So there you have it. All my 'Must Haves' My essentials. My favourites. My babies! Heart Heart Heart it all <3

Seems like running is expensive, eh? I just can't justify working out in shitty clothes!

Note: I didn't post my running sneakers because I have like 3 pairs that I wear regularly. My Asics are my main pair but I'm still feeling them all out (the black and yellow Asics you probably see in everyyy picture I post) 

Do you have any workout clothing that you swear by?

Any suggestions?

Do you run in leggings or shorts?

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