Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Day in the Life - & one hell of a Friday off

This weekend started with a 'to list' (obv) that I was more than excited to get started on. Since starting the new 10-4 schedule, I was pretty much tied up every night and was having a hard time finding spare time to get sh*t done.

So it's almost a month until Christmas! Excited, yet? I am actually so so pumped! I made it a point to get 75% of my Christmas shopping done this month and I almost hit that quota this past weekend. I'm usually more on my game than I am at the moment but I plan on starting my Christmas wrapping this weekend.

Anyhow, just wanted to post about what a productive weekend I'm having. I've really got a lot of things knocked off my list since I finished up work on Thursday evening.

Here's a little breakdown for you.

Friday morning, my day started at 8am when I got up and started to do some tidying. After I worked up a sweat running around the house, I chilled out and read blogs while eating some breakfast.

Columbian coffee with 1 egg and 3 egg whites 

I had a lot of energy after breakfast so I decided to beat it to the gym for 9:15am.

I started with a 15-minute walk on the treadmill and stopped when I got to a mile.

I jumped off the treadmill and figured I'd try to tone this ass on the stairmaster so I climbed 111 floors in 25-minutes.

And then I jumped back on the treadmill to jog out 2.5-miles (30-minutes) at a nice and easy 5.0-mph pace.

..and then I decided to make it an even 3.0-miles so I hopped back on and jogged another half-mile at a 5.5mph pace for 5:28.

I then went and did some weights cause I'm obsessed with flexing my non-muscles lately .. and finished up in an hour and forty-five.

After the gym, I headed to pick up a few essientials at the one and only.

Leaving this last, as I knew I'm be a dried berry, I headed to Arizona Heat to get a little glow.

Lana the lobster strikes again!!

My god, I'm the cutest! :)

..And then it was home to do some duties there.

I was pretty famished so I heated up some talapia from the night before. (I bought talapia to try for the first time .. not so much a time)

..and got through one bite. Gross gross gross!

I diddd eat the spinach salad with balsamic vinegarette.

After lunch, I assembled some birthday presents for my sister and clued up with some well-needed laundry.

two loads of laundry there, kids
(and one alien toe)

After my chores, I showered up and then headed back to town. I wanted to buy my mom something special for all the help she gave me while buying/moving into the new house. She met with the realtor when I couldn't be there, met with the movers when I couldn't be there and even picked up the keys to the place.

She had recently shown me this jewellery box that she said she wanted for Christmas so I decided to give it to her as a thank you present.

I dropped it down to her work and she was super surprised when I arrived and made her close her eyes in the office.

who's that hottie tottie in the mirror?

After my visit I headed to the mall for some Christmas shopping!

And then I had plans to meet Rob at the gym for a leg/core workout (that lasted 2-hours). I was pretty much crushed afterwards! He pushed me to my limit and had me pressing weights I never thought I would even attempt.

After the gym I had plans with meeting up with Val. We weren't getting together until 9:50-pm so I had a half an hour to kill. I decided I'd head to Walmart to get a few things that I had on the list.

and you can't go to Walmart and buy just one thing.

Note the Spatula - because my breakfast pancakes have turned into a breakfast scramble 
as I have nothing to flip the pancake with .. just mush it around in the pan with a spoon.

Funny story actually. One day I cooked David some protein pancakes but had nothing to flip them with so they were one big mush. I ran into his mother a day later and the conversation went as follows:

Her: Hey, I tried your protein pancakes yesterday. David gave me some.
Me: O ya? Did you like them?
Her: yes, girl. They were great.
Me: Yayy!! So glad. Protein pancakes are my favourite.

(you probably don't think that's funny but I'm giggling out loud as I type it)

Moving on ..

When I met Val, I was ready to pass out so I ordered two things for our late supper.

Dinner size spinach salad w. a whole chicken breast, Sub out the
bacon and feta and add green onion and tomatoes. It also had mushrooms
and some red peppers. I meant to ask for balsamic and forgot.
They used poppyseed for the dressing. O well.

A side of steamed vegetables. Yum!

I did some serious damage to this entree and side ..

O, and did I mention I got a diet pepsi? Yup, the first diet pepsi I have had in months and months.

I didn't finish up with Val until after 11 so we both decided to just head home. I got home close to 12, tidied a little more, drank some more coffee, read my book, googled healthy baking recipes and then hit the sheets by 1:30-am.

That's a play by play productive day for this gal :)

Cheers, Friends & Happy Sunday!

1. Do you live by a 'to do' book full of lists?
2. What do you do with your time on days off?
3. Do you prefer relaxing to productivity?

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