Thursday, November 21, 2013

25 While 25 - My Personal Reasoning / Halfway Point

First off, I should start by apologizing for my lack of blogging lately. I haven't published a post since last week.

I started a new position at work last week and I moved into a new house so it was pretty hectic all-around. I'm getting pictures taken in a week and have been trying to balance moving with working out. I guess I've just been really 'blah'. (excuses) ..

But ...

..guess what this week marked?

Today, 4 days a go, I turned the official twenty-five and a half years old.
I am half-way to my twenty-sixth birthday.
I can not longer say I'm a quarter of a century.
Or two and a a half decades.
I am twenty-five and a half.

Back in September,I did a post called 25 While 25 (Also, see link on tab bar of main page).

It's now November 21st, the halfway point and what better post to write than a little update to see where I stand on thee list.

Note: This post was written quite a while a go (well the reasoning of why each item made my list was) so you'll probably notice that some is written in past and present tense.

Also, the updated CHECK, aswell as update, can be noted in this color.

25 While 25 - Half Way

1. Volunteer at a race - I haven't done many races, but when I have, I've always looked at those volunteers who hand out water, cheer on runners and just smile as you pass by. They give their free time to ensure we have an improved run. Without volunteers at races, there wouldn't be races - bottom line. Before the Tely, you had to pick up your race kit at the Curling Club. I had a 12-year old girl (give or take) and a little boy that was no older than the age of 5 give me my bag. How awesome is that, right? 

2. Learn to knit (and make my own dish clothes) - My nan is a wild ol knitter (word? It's not underlined as a misspell so I'm gonna go with yes). Anyhow, growing up she knit me socks and scarves and she had a friend who knit me mitts once. I loved those damn mittens! Each year the old bitties would knit stuff and donate them to the Pouch Cove Fall Fair. The Fall Fair would sell goods and money would go towards our community. Since I was younger, I wanted to learn to knit but patients is key and patients I lack. Now that I live on my own, I'd really like to start knitting dish clothes (money saving maybe?) and hopefully even a blanket at some point in  my life.

3. Watch the sunset while drinking Starbucks on Signal Hill - Don't even know why. It's just something I've wanted to do FOREVER! I probably want to do that the most out of everything I've listed so far. I guess I just heart Signal Hill and I heart Starbucks. Case closed.

4. Receive my Personal Training Certification - Getting my certification for personal training is something I've given thought to over the last 2-3 years (maybe longer). I love showing others what I know and I love being shown new exercises! I truly believe I have a passion for exercise (though sometimes the mirror doesn't put that imagine forward) <--no pun intended .. but all in all, I think helping others trim down all while forming a better lifestyle (for them and myself) is something I really did to chase and achieve!! *This is one of my #1 goals for this post*

5. Receive my Professional Engineering Technologist Certification - Because education is key to so much in my future!

(Note: paperwork is filled out and sent)

6. Buy a piece of property (a house or a piece of land) -
 I've been looking at houses and land for some time now. I'm very quick to jump at purchases but I've been going at this one with great caution. I'm trying to be picky but not too picky but still trying to find a house that works for me.

Sooo I bought a house!! On November 13th, the house that I had viewed in early October finally closed. (well I guess I should be saying that the bank bought a house - hello mortgage). I've lived on my own for a little over a year and a half now so putting my earned money towards something that is mine, surely does feel beneficial.

I decided to buy in Pouch Cove (home town, obv) and so far, no regrets! Thumbs up!

7. Run a 10-k - Because I've never even though I've had it on my 'To Do' list for quite some time now.
I ran an 11k so technically that counts, right? Bonjour, Run to Remember!

Run to Remember
Run to Remember 2

8. Go on a trip - Because everyone loves a good trip, right? My friends usually plan a trip on a annual basis so writing this on here means 1. I have to attend 2. I get to start looking at places and prices. Yayyy

Not sure if this counts but I did go to Halifax in October. I can also guarantee that I'll be planning a future for the upcoming spring (right, Tiffany? Allan?)

Halifax Getaway - Day 1
Halifax  Getaway- Day 2
Halifax Getaway - Final Day

9. Plan & host an occasion dinner or dinner party (Christmas, Easter etc)
Something about planning a party gets my super excited! I'm pretty organized so the invites, baking, hosting etc leaves me feeling extremely self-served.

My mother and I have a little house-warming for the lady friends planned for Saturday, December 7th (fun)

10. Read 5 books
I wrote this because sometimes I forget how much I enjoy a good book! I was never what you'd call a 'reader', but in the past few years, I've definitely started appreciating the past time and have a new weakness for Chapter's!

I'm 3 books done! 2 to go!

11. Do 10 push-ups - Because I can't even do 5. Not kidding. I've never been strong in the push-up department. I don't know if it's because I lack upper body strength or if it's cause my positioning is all off but regardless, I will learn. I will try and I will accomplish this.

A few years back I had a push-up machine of a boyfriend (Hi, Matt). He learned every type of push-up under the sun from intensive MMA training. He started to help me with it all and I really think I could have gotten somewhere with it. Anyhow, we are no longer together and I can no longer crutch on him to help me out. Square one, Vic!

12. Have a spa day -  As I've mentioned before, I have a little trouble trying to relax. I always feel like I need to be doing something and that my life is wasting away when I'm sat in front of a tv or lazing on my bed .. etc. I have also really let myself go in the past year (that's how I see it anyway - un-plucked eyebrows, hair cut when 2-months after it should have been cut ... blah blah. I think a spa day would leave me feeling and looking like a beaut! (And I wanna be feel like Carrie Brawshaw in her white robe).
13. Take a pottery - There's just something about homemade art that catches my eye. I'd love to construct my own clay pot, paint it, and hold an orchid in it.

14. Attend a cooking class - I'm definitely not a terrible cook but I could surely use some improvement. I'd love to take a cooking class to learn what spices go with what foods, What beverages taste best with what meals, what sauces go with what meats. Ya'kno .. just for improvement.

15. Teach a class - I don't know what it is about insturcting a fitness class but it's something I've always wanted to do. I have zero certification at the moment but when I register and complete what I set out  to do, I plan on teaching a class.

16. Go to a movie by myself - Because I love solitude and never go to movies or relax. I'd be killing two birds!

Plan on doing the above this weekend.


17. Help a stranger - I mentioned this in an earlier post but I always keep my morning eye on the 5-am Tim Horton's recycling guy. I am going to give him my recyclables .. I just need to stop saying I'll do it and actually do it!

18. Make sushi - My friend Katie lent me a sushi making book a few years back and I immediately added it to my Bucket List. Sushi is probably my favourite food (legit could eat 20+ rolls. Record to date = 18-rolls). If I could justify the rice consumption and the money to spend, sushi would be breakfast, lunch and supper. I plan to make my own and see how that goes.

19. Kiss someone in the pouring down rain - Because deep down, I'm a hopeless romantic. Le sighhh *pitter patter* <-- the sound of my ice-cold heart.

20. Make the necessary arrangements to be an organ donor - I don't have the organ donor symbol on my license but I strongly believe in organ doning so this is a must. I have a friend with cystic fibrosis and a few years back he was given a new pair of lungs (you have no idea how weird that is to type) and though I always wanted to be a donor, his story definitely had me looking at the scenario in a more serious manor.

21. Bring a meal to a homeless person - I know that the homeless is a very controversal topic for many people but I must admit, I have a soft spot for some. I do not have a soft spot for a begger with a cigarette in mouth, bottle in hand or needle near arm, but I do for talented individuals who perform downtown and/or unshowered underweight individuals that give the majority of their handings to their pet. I plan to do this one sooner than later.

22. Spend a night in a bed and breakfast - because honestly, I've never done so. I love the flow of a Bed & Breakfast when you see it in a movie. I know they don't actually bring breakfast to your bed side (do they?) but going out of town for a night, waking to coffee and a cute breakfast cooked by a sweet little lady (cause that's how I picture it in my head) just seems awesome to me.

Completed at the end of September when Karla and I booked it to Fogo for a couple of nights!

23. Pay off a vehicle - I only have a few thousand left on my Civic (only..) but I bought it in August 2011 and sure would like to take it from hanging over my shoulders. I hate debt and owing money.. but don't we all..

24. Brew my own wine and stock my own wine rack - A few years back, Allan and I bought the big Costco kit and brewed our own wine (slash Allan's mom brewed and bottled us wine). Anyhow, it was great to prepare for summer drinking events. Homemade wine is cheap, great-tasting and super accessible. It also gets you pretty drunk if I do remember correctly. Mainly, it's all about the budgeting. Budgeting people, budgeting.

25. See 155 on the scale - My lowest weight to date was 153-lbs. It was in April of 2011, right before I went on a Cruise with Shaneen, Allan and Robert. I don't think I was in the healthiest place at that time as I had just gotten out of a relationship and was a booze-bag .. but for some reason, I'm so stuck on that number. Perhaps it's not a healthy weight for a 25 year, 5'10" female, but I sure would like to get there. Again.

Note: I finished this post really fast during my lunch break. I don't have time to re-read and/or check for spelling errors.

Friends, I apologize in advance.

1. Do you have a 25 while 25?
2. Do you have a list of things you wish to accomplish within the next year?
3. Any upcoming 2014 Resolutions in mind?


  1. SO I love this idea! I should have made one when I turned 25. I guess New Year's resolutions will have to do.I stuck to last year's list pretty well (one item being go vegetarian - check!)

    Way to go on completing so much of it to date and congrats on buying a house :)

    PS I went to a movie by myself once when I lived in Toronto. People looked at me and giggled but I did not care one bit because I HAD to see Something Borrowed on the weekend it came out haha

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