Friday, November 8, 2013

11 Things in the 11th Month

Happy happy weekend, guys! Hope everyone is having a deadly Friday and have fun plans made for their home off! I'm off until Tuesday so I'm counting down the hours now until 'operation get fit' happens (hardcore weekend for gymming as it's under 3 weeks until that damn photo shoot!)
Anywho, thought I'd do a fun little post for Friday and leave you with some things I'm loving for the month of November!
andddd go!
1. Arbonne Body Scrub

First up, Arbonne body scrub. Ok, so this stuff is super expensive. Like 54.00 expensive .. but it's actually wicked body scrub. I bought it off Courtney, as she's an Arbonne representative. I ordered it because she said it made your skin feel baby soft and gave a glow. Yup, she was right.omg

2. Vanilla Candy Caine Body Lotion

Not sure if you're excited for Christmas or not but I am ecstatic for Christmas shopping. This hand cream is from Rocky Mountain Soap Company Body Lotion. It's Vanilla Candy Cane scented and you can get it at Hempware for $11.99. Loving this because 1. my hands are super dry from the change in weather and 2. Candy canes = shopping = presents = snow flakes = Christmas

3. Crest 3-D

I'm obsessed with everything Crest 3D and once I started to notice a smoker stain on one of my teeth (ew!), I knew I had to go hardcore with operation white perlies!  Sooo I decided it was time to invest in some heavy duty give-me-a-nice-smile things. I constantly have a stock of all but was slacking in the 'use me' department for a bit. Love love love 3D products.

4. Higgins & Burke Apple Cinnamon Tea

I've listed quite a few Higgins & Burke tea flavours here before, but this new apple cinnamon tea (new to me anyways) takes the cake! I think I even like it more than the honey lemon. The coffee order at work got messed up this week and they accidentally sent us one box. It's like desert in a tea. Yum.

cross-eyed, reflective orange shirt, what looks to be chubby fingers, no
make-up (including eyenbrows), terrible roots, crack-yellow
motley crue streaks .. you know you wanna date me, right? 

5. MAC Eyebrow Pencil

So, I think I`ve mentioned before that I`m on a bit of a `no make-up`kick lately, right? Well, part of wearing little make-up (love mascara though) is I fail to keep those eye-brows in shape. O wait, I finally cracked down and plucked them after 3 months of completely neglecting the horrid looking things. O shit, I made one eye brow WAY too short and had two bald spots in the other (cause I'm that good). When in Halifax, I invested in a $22.00 eyebrow pencil to fill in the blanks (haha funny). I have been raving to Tiffany ever since! Man, it's actually awesome and it looks very natural.

6. True Blue Self Tanner

Bath & Body Works self-tanner, $16.00. This is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Robin showed me this stuff like two years ago and I've gone through 2 or 3 bottles since. Ok, I've so never been keen on self-tanning. I find it streaky, fake looking and dirty. But .. but this stuff is awesome! You need very little and the coverage is great.
This self-tanner:
1/ applies easy
2/ streakless
3/ smells awesome
4/ has a sparkle in it
5/ doesn't look dirty when it washes off (after a few days)

6/ gives a natural glow

I think it gives you me hot-diggity-dog legs.

7. Catwalk Shampoo & Conditioner

The first time I used this was at my dad's house a few weeks ago. I'm assuming it's Samantha's? All the same .. pretty sure dad colors his hair light ash blond #1.1 (oops). Anyhow, I've become obsessed with this since the first wash!
It gives/makes my hair:
1/ deadly shine
2/ super soft
3/ smell absolutely marvelous.
I'm like that girl who walks by the boys and their heads all turn because the scent is absolutely captivating. . . le sigh
8. Colour Works Food Scales

O man, most of you are probably laughing, rolling your eyes or shaking your head, but these weight scales (Paderno, $9.99) have been my saviour since the day I bought them. I've been gone a little over the top with weighing my food but part of the reason is due to curiosity. It's crazy how much over-eating I've done in the past and how what I thought was 3, 4 or 5 ounces ... IS A LOT MORE OUNCES!
9. The Privilege of Youth
 I told you guys last week that I had planned on starting Monster and The Privilege of Youth, so I went out and bought both. I started reading Monster but had left it home yesterday and wanted something for the car ride/lunch/car ride home. Luckily, the Privilege of Youth was in the back seat of my car so I gave it a go.  Yup, definitely gonna finish this off before I start back on Monster. I'm absolutely loving the story of David Pelzer and I can't wait to read his other two novels that follow, A Child Called "It". Remember when I read that? Remember that I loved that book?
10. Break-a-Way-Snacks

I cheated and had this on the plane to Halifax and have not been able to stop thinking about it since. Break-a-Way Snacks, Yogurt Trail Mix. I bought my own nuts so I can make my own trail mix but I can't justify the extra calories from the yogurt-covered pretzels and cranberries until after my shoot. Anyone have any recipes for a good trail mix that gives you a sugar kick?
11. Green Juice

C',mon, you knew I was gonna put this in there.
Why? O, I don't know .. cause it's F***ing amazing!
Green Juice:
1/ tastes amazing
2/ it's nutritious
3/ it's delicious
4/ it makes you feel great
5/ it's energizing
6/ it's a natural wake-me-up
7/ it's good for your hair, skin, eyes / everything
Since I'm currently in the list making mood, I also decided to add in a few more lists of '11'.
11 Favourite Workout Moves
1/ Side lateral raises (Arms & Shoulders)
2/ Smith machine behind the back shrugs (Back)
3/ Boxing w. dumb bells (Arms)
4/ Squats - (Legs)
5/ Skipping (I guess that's considered some sort of move haha) (Everywhere)
6/ Straight bar chest press (chest)
7/ Dead lifts (legs)
8/ Push-ups (core) <-- yayy loving these
9/ Toe touches (Core)
10/ Straight bar curls (Arms)
11/ Shoulder presses (Shoulders)
11 Songs I use for Running Music
1/ National Anthem - Lana Del Ray
2/ Monster - Eminem & Rihanna
3/ GUY - Lady Gaga
4/ Swimming - Florence & The Machine
5/ Elastic Love - Christina Ag
6/  The Official Cocaine Trade Music Video - Christian Hansen & The Autistics
7/ Sexxx Dreams - Lady Gaga (you can judge me if you listen to this .. I just set myself up)
8/ Get it Right - Miley Cyrus
9/ Do what you want - Lady Gaga & R. Kelly
10/ Still Dre - Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg
11/ Timber - Pitbull & Kesha
(ps. they said no head phones at the race .. ahh ya .. about that .. how about no!)
So these are just the songs I am listening to this week. I'm the classic "omg, this is my favourtie song" so this list varies (weekly), buttt, I've been listening to this playlist for a while now. 
Ok, so is anyone else loving the new albums of Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus? Man, obsessed!
I listen to Gaga on repeat DAILY! I'd do it to Miley but I'm actually sick of the album from listening to it inside out (not really that sick of it though)
Well, that's probably enough and you're probably bored of reading my little '11' list so I'll stop now! Hopefully I'll get a hot, sexy date with my blog in over the weekend (maybe I'll get two ;) )
Happy Friday, friends!
Hope everyone has the most fantastic weekend!
1. What kind of products can you not live without?
2. Any running songs that just get your blood pumping?

1 comment:

  1. Love this lit!! Definitely going to give some of these things a try:)))))
