Saturday, November 9, 2013

6 Months of MinusThirtyThreePlease

Happy 6 Month Anniversary, Blog!

Yup, that's right. 6 months ago I grew a set (awwwkward) and hit publish to start this blog (May 9th). Funnn! At the time, I was 1. hesitant about publicising myself through the Internet and 2. had no idea if I would actually be able to keep up with it. But ya, 84 posts later and here I sit and continue to type. I actually love being a 'blogger' more than anything (well I'm a blogger in my own head). Ok, I'm not one of those cool bloggers who have all the cool sponsors and whatnot but I definitely gain some personal benefits through sharing myself virtually.

I started reading blogs about a year and a half a go. Karla and I threw it into our morning mix and pretty much developed an obsession with healthy lifestyles blogs. Blog updates + morning coffee = big win for the day! ha, or so we think.

I'm sure this post will pose very little interest to many readers as it's a personal win for myself. I just wanted to write and say how grateful I am for the support I've received and the readers that follow. Without you, there would be no minusthirtythreeplease. Without your constant support and praise, I would have given up months a go.

I'm not writing this to up myself or anything but it just has to be said and known. YOU are the reason I sit and type. YOU are the reason that I have a little black book with a sticker on the cover saying "BLOG". YOU are the reason that 1004923847 ideas run through my mind on an daily hourly basis. YOU are the reason I make goals. YOU aid in the signing up for races and setting exercise goals! YOU are amazing and I love each and every person who takes the time out of their crazy hectic day to hop in on and catch up on a post that probably has no relevance to anything.

The compliments I've received from people I've run into in public  (downtown mostly..Hi Shauna), the inbox messages of praise that I've gotten over the last few months, and the emails. THIS is why I continue to blog and each day I realize how much I love it.

YOU are the reason I've lost weight (a little), gained muscle and haven't given up.

A little over a year a go I hauled the 'I wanna blog' out of nowhere. I'm technologically un-savvy (not a real word) and did not know the first thing about writing a blog. I mentioned it to Steven (hi Steven) who in my mind is technologically brilliant (now you're blushing) .. and had no idea what his reaction would be. It was kind of a "why would I start a blog" moment. And he gave me a "why wouldn't you start a blog" kind of response.  He educated me with much of what he knew on the idea and it stuck with me for months and months. I dropped ideas and took positive criticism with feedback. Although we lost touch for a little while, I always thought of him when I'd think about the start-up of the blog. I wrote countless posts but never hit publish. I was afraid to press publish. Why on earth would anyone wanna follow little ol' me in trying to lose 33-lbs. Why would anyone care for an online diary by a girl who spends the maturity of her day on a construction site with rugged old men (love them all by the way) .. but then I said F it. And then I hit publish. And I haven't stopped pressing it. And I don't want to stop pressing it. Without constant encouragement and support from this kat, minusthirtythreeplease would not exist.  So for that, I want to say a big THANK YOU!  Thank you, Steven. You inspire me and you motivate me. You keep me driven even when we're not in contact. Your words stick with me and your encouragement drives me. You rock!

And then there was Karla. Miss Karla Hunter. I'm pretty sure it was Karla who introduced me to my first healthy living blog, 125. We hummed and ha'd for months over wanting our own but again, didn't think we had anything worthy of writing about. I told Karla my ideas for my blog and she had my back (haha sounds like we were planning a fight) 110%. I threw and continue to throw the must ridiculous ideas and topics her way and she gives me the go ahead or the 'nahh'. I respect her opinion like no other and sometimes I'm not sure that I would have hit publish that day if it hadn't been for her support and approval. She's definitely a portion of the backbone for this ol' bloggy blog. For that, I want to give her a big THANK YOU! Thank you, Karla.

Lastly, a big thank you to my mother. She also supports my blog 110% and has read every post to date (or so I think anyways). She's constantly commenting when I update you all on Facebook and I'm hoping to have a guest post from her in the future. Thank you so much, mom and I love you x1,000,000 (funny .. the things you would never say to your mother when you were 17-yrs old).

I could go on forever for all of the people I would like to give thanks and praise but the list would be too long. I have too many friends (hah miss popular here, right? jesus), 1 amazing guest blogger (hi Allan), countless inspirational writers (125, CNC, HTP <--all mah fav bloggers) and the list continues.

Now I shall clue up and leave it at that. Sure ya knows I'm getting all emotional and teary-eyed here. Le sigh .. ka-ka-kidding! :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're all amazing! I mean it from the bottom of my heart!

Love Victoria


  1. Vic you are so inspiring!!

  2. Victoria, You are a ROCKSTAR! Keep being you and inspiring others to do the same!

  3. Great post! Congrats on 6 months blogging :) I think I hit publish for the first time in May as well! I had the same feelings: scared, excited nervous, but knew it was what I wanted to do! You've got a great blog here. Whether we have the sponsors or not, we have the heart and our followers stick with us for that <3 Way to go!
