Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday Thoughts

A have a post I'd like to share
of random facts but you don't care
but that's ok, I'll make it quick
just read the screen and start to click
I know I'm cool just read this post.
the thoughts are shit but I like it most  
If you get bored then go away
but I'll still write .. HAPPY TUESDAY!
(wow .. I get a little giddy when I'm tired)
70 Thoughts for Tuesday
  1. I have a girl crush on Ellie Goulding
  2. I'm now drinking 6-L of water a day and do not plan on decreasing
  3. There is no sexier feeling than freshly shaved leg .. hellooo
  4. I'm down 3-lbs in less than a week
  5. I am starting to hate egg whites
  6. I kinda wanna start looking at houses again
  7. I love the guy at Irving who always tells me how I look good in my gym clothes
  8. I'm 12-weeks out from the NLABBA
  9. I wish my job was more interesting
  10. I'm debating signing up for Mud Immortal next month. Thoughts?
  11. I wanna try baking dog treats and I actually think I'd be tempted to try them .. gross?
  12. I'm obsessed with my new hiking sneakers (2 pairs, baby!) 
  13. Don't ever mix egg whites and oatmeal. Sick!
  14. Always mix almond butter and oatmeal!
  15. guys < trail mix
  16. I love Miley Cyrus' hair bobbed off
  17. I wanna fu*k off buying new clothes so I can adopt the whole "what's the point .. it won't fit me in a few months anyway ;) " attitude
  18. I could sit at Starbucks and blog for hours
  19. I'm down to drinking 1 energy drink a day (woop woop!!)
  20. I miss my jogging/running routine
  21. Using my Mac to type makes me feel like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City (especially if I'm typing with a cigarette in hand .. though I haven't done that yet)
  22. September is looking to be a fun and eventful month :)
  23. The Cataracs have the best running music EVER!
  24. I have such an urge to shave a part of my head lately
  25. I feel like a walking smoke stack these past few weeks
  26. Sometimes when I'm tired and look for excuses to skip the gym, I replay "30-60 minutes of being uncomfortable is better than being uncomfortable your entire life" in my head (saw that on Pinterest a few weeks a go)
  27. I'm in love with Gagas new song, Applause. It actually gives me energy
  28. My number 1 played song on my phone this week is 'Lorde' by Royals (obsessed)
  29. I'm struggling with 5 days of cardio along with 5 of weight training
  30. I've been fiending going to a movie alone lately
  31. I'm obsessed with the sky at night lately
  32. I'm attending a lunch-and-learn health seminar hosted by Definitions Fitness today (funn)!
  33. I was so annoyed by people last week that I thought about jumping on the Argentia fairy
  34. I wish I owned a kayak
  35. I've been slacking at crossing items off of my list(s) this past few weeks
  36. 2 slices of whole wheat bread will spike your insulin levels higher than a mars bar
  37. I'm still not finished reading Wheat Belly (mainly due to time constraint ..  I am still O so very interested in the book)
  38. I want a new piercing so bad
  39. My favourite number is 11
  40. My skin feels so awesome lately since I stopped wearing face make-up (yes to mascara though)
  41. I feel like I'm constantly dancing when there's no one around ... like 'breakin' out beats bitches' kinda style 
  42. I can't wait to sleep in a tent this weekend
  43. Sometimes it makes me sad that I gave up Greek Yogurt
  44. I love when I get drunk and take pictures and think they're 'pretty' and wake up without my drunk goggles and realize I was cross-eyed in the picture haha makes my day
  45. I would love to own an all natural, organic(y) coffee shop
  46. I'm actually excited for New Years so I can make a big ol' Resolution list
  47. I booked a trip to Halifax for the end of October (Hi, Tif  & Stephen)
  48. Drinking is now CUT from now until the show in November
  49. I could eat 1500-calories of almond butter in one sitting
  50. I still haven't attempting making sushi
  51. I'm starting to notice changes in my body
  52. I'd drink energy drinks for breakfast if they were healthy for you
  53. I finished filling out my paperwork for my Professional Engineering Technologist Certification
  54. I'm dreading my November spray tan
  55. It's the beginning of the week and I am ready bodily exhausted
  56. Karla and I have a little get-a-way planned for the last week of September (blogging, coffee, hiking?) in Fogo - woop woooooop!
  57. I've never taken so many selfies in my LIFE than when I started this blog
  58. I haven't been to yoga in a month ...
  59. Sometimes I miss living in Pouch Cove
  60. I love when people message me on Facebook about this blog
  61. I can't decide between royal blue and red for my stage swim suit? Suggestions?
  62. I've always been secretly jealous of those tree-hugging, granola, organic, no-make-up-wearing gals that look like hippies
  63. I spent $25.00 on chicken 8 chicken breast that will do me 2-3 days this week
  64. I did a chest and back workout last night, 20-minutes on the elliptical and then a 23-minute hill sprint run in Pouch Cove
  65. I'm going to look like such a tool when I have to start posing for the show hahah laughing at just the thought of it
  66. When I finish training, I'm making a 16-fruit, fruit salad
  67. I'm going to a secret beach very soon
  68. I eat A LOT of food
  69. I love buying new gym clothes as it always perks me up to workout
  70. 3 days until Gros Mourne ! Woop woooooooo0o0p =)

Happy Tuesday, Friends =)

Stay tuned for a recipe for making 'No Bake Protein Bars' later today.
They actually taste like eat more bars! Yum!

Have a poem to share? A random thought or things running through your head?


  1. I'm kinda getting sick of eggs whites too....to the point ive gagged with the smell of them. I need to douse them in pepper to make them palatable. Let's open a coffee shop together and quit our jobs....

  2. I was gagging this morning .. not even kidding. And I have to eat like a half of a carton before bed. Not ok!!

    Coffee shop = yes! Man, I wrote that on my bucketlist yearssss a go and I still think it'd be amazing to do.

    You manage, Mr. Marketer .. I'd play Martha!

    Early in the mornings, we could use it as a yoga studio while the bakers bake! <3

  3. I got dibs on shaving part/all of your head... We'll wing it, just keep shaving until I'm satisfied
