Monday, July 22, 2013

A Sober Saturday makes for a Productive Sunday - July 21

Happy Monday, Friends! I hope everyone had an exceptional weekend. Here's a recap of the most productive day that I've had in quite a while.

Morning Grocery Shopping

So I worked on Saturday and had Sunday off (thank-be-to-jes*s). Courtney had people over cause her parents are in Florida. I got home from work around 7 and instantly passed out until 9. When I woke, I decided to grab some Starbucks and pop down with my coffee, rather than drinking alcohol. (fist pump - ew!  It was actually such a good socialising atmosphere and hadn't I planned on heading to hot yoga with Allan the next day/the Tely 10 being 1 week away (eeek!),  I probably would have stayed and drank.

Anywho, I was home in bed with my book in hand (Wheat Belly by William Davis) by 12:30am. 'Twas grand.

I had planned on doing a run on Sunday morning but when my alarm went off at 7:30, I wasn't game. I pressed snooze every 5 minutes until 8:45 (terrible, I know) and then I finally dragged my a*s out of bed to get a start on my lovely day off.

Stop 1? Starbucks, silly. Obviously no day isn't a good day without a venti black iced Americano (umm hmm). This bad boy always gives me the morning spurt of energy that I fiend during the week while in Long Harbour..drinking disgusting Colombian and/or Executive coffee that tastes like someone doused cigarettes in my cup. Ew / I'm aware that I'm being dramatic.

Seeing how I had time to kill before the 12:00 yoga class, I decided to get my weekly grocery shopping out of the way. 

I stocked up on fresh vegetables and majorly stocked up on almond breeze for my smoothies (my Magic Bullet has made my life). I've also read some recipes that use coconut water so I went for a litre of that also.

Grocery List
  • 2 cartons of eggs
  • chick peas (to make hummus)
  • garbanzo beans (to make hummus)
  • red, yellow, orange and green pepper
  • ginger root
  • minced ginger root (baking)
  • red onion
  • green onion
  • celery
  • brussels sprouts
  • kale (to make kale chips)
  • celery
  • vanilla, chocolate and coconut Almond Breeze
  • Earth's Organic almond
  • coconut water
  • spaghetti squash
  • stevia
I walked out with a total purchase of $68.98. I had some fruit left from last week and some steaks in the freezer so I'm gonna try to rid that before buying more (budgeting people, budgeting)!

Moksha Yoga
After grocery shopping, I headed home to straighten up the house and get my things together for yoga. Yup, it was my first time trying hot yoga! I was actually sooo excited  and I was pleased that A agreed to come with the night before as he's done it a few times in the past few weeks. He praised it so that made the experience more exciting!

1st time :)

The gorgeous art work (would totally hang those pieces in my house
...if I had a house)

Most relaxing washrooms + silence room
A, after a super sweaty yoga session.
He however, is showered. Myself? Ahh .. noo

I mentally prepared myself for the hottest temperature possible. Allan said it was the hottest class he has ever been at! We were both DRENCHED when we left. I mean, dripping. Soaked. Sweating. So-much-sweat-in-your-eyes-that-you-feel-impaired! And I say that with 100% honestly. It was wild!

And guess what? I think hot yoga could be a new thing for me :) Moksha was absolutely awesome! Felt incredible. I bought a $40 unlimited month so I tend on using it to my full advantage once the running subsides next weekend.

After yoga, Allan and I decided to visit Shaneen. We were gonna have a Sunday afternoon tan but the wind picked up. Upon driving to Torbay, my hunger hit me like a ton of bricks (not being dramatic). I thought I was going to have to haul the car over and throw up. I figured it was dehydration from the yoga practise but it definitely was not. I headed to Need's and got my new favourite pick-me-up snack. I ate the oatmeal raisin walnut bar and my upset stomach disappeared instantly. I wish I had the will power to leave snacks in my car for emergency's like these .. I don't because I'd eat it all in one sitting. Le sighh

I had these big plans of running 3 laps around Quidi Vidi. Ya.. about that.. I did 1 measly lap (3.8-km(2.36-mil)  in  23:20 and it killed me. My body felt physically ready, but mentally, I just wasn't there. I couldn't get into it at all. I left the lake feeling rather discouraged.

So I headed to Sportscheck to pick up some running gear (New Nike live strong shorts). These bad boys are fuc*ing awesome! They have an inner liner to avoid chub-rub, chaffing your legs rubbing uncomfortably while jogging ;)

After my purchase, I headed off to Pouch Cove. I absolutely die for my runs in Pouch Cove. It's obviously bias cause I'm from there but I think the view is abslutely stunning. So I ran 9.1-km (5.65-mil) in 1:22. Obviously this is not any kind of time to write home about but if you've ever been to Pouch Cove, you know about the hills. The pinch is beyond steep and hell to run. Even the town store to the post office is pretty steep. This time also includes taking pictures/tie my left lace on multiple occasions (ya, ya ya .. make your excuses, Victoria)

Bring her home to mom, wa? Soaked to death!

Literally panting and puffing in and out air

After my run, I was absolutely famished (or so it felt that way). Everything at my dads house took preparation so I opted for a Kashi bar. Con: sugars. Pro: La-la-la-love trail mix

Meal Prep

My classic Sunday meal prep went as follows:

Baked two steaks in the oven so I could have stir-fry and meals throughout the week

Cut up lots of colourful vegetables to use for salads and stir-fry (don't all the colours make you WANT to eat healthy? or is that just me? haha)

Made a big ol' batch of hummus with the good ol' Magic Bullet

Sliced vegetables to use with my hummus (1/2 a green pepper, red pepper, yellow pepper and Orange pepper)

Obviously I cut celery to have with my Sunbutter for the week

Sauteed one third of my diced vegetables and threw them in with some steak for two meals

Cooked my first spaghetti squash (I was absolutely fascinated when I scooped out the noodle shaped squash! Like a kid in a candy shop). It was so easy quick and the strand I tasted was delicious!

Did all of the dishes that had been piling up in our sink all weekend (mostly my coffee, smoothie cups and bottles)

And then I headed to Tim Horton's for my nightly chamomile tea (helps me sleep) and headed home to lay in bed and read by book until 11. It was marvellous.

What do you do to ensure you're productive at the start of the week?

Did you do anything productive THIS Sunday?

Does anyone have any running tips for when you're preparing for a long run?

Cheers, friends


  1. Wow that hummus actually looks delicious, V. Craving it as I scroll through your photos. The steak also looks great. Your years (YEARS) in Fresh 2 Go have served you well!

  2. The food prep looks amazing!! I will definitely be using this as a guide ;)

  3. All thoes peppers do look great! what else do you put into your smoothie/shake with the almond milk? Im looking for a breakfast on the go for brian & i. i have heard alot about hot yoga, 40$/month isnt bad at all! might have to try it. allan looks so refreshed in his post photo opp even his hair looks good :) i doubt i could say the same after it. do they allow beginners? I recently heard about outdoor yoga too. the fee is just a donation of choice to the charity of the week. i find to have a productive start to my week i like to take a morning & clean. noting better than the frest smell of pinesol lol. my summer schedule sucks, but if your free some monday/tuesday or most days after 2:30 & looking for a hiking buddy ect im free. brians more self concious & only opps for the midnight walk like a couple of creeps lol. im afraid if he dosnt start making changes now he will have a heart attack. know Any man diet/fitness tips? Check out cw-x stability tights. there designed to give knee & lower back support to distance runners. (saw them in a mag) also, have you tried the nike run or training app? pretty cool. We are so inspired by you & emilys success! keep up the great work you look fantastic!! Good luck with the telly 10

  4. They are delicious with the hummus! Love it love it love :)

    I use whey protein powder in most shakes (usually vanilla or vanilla cream). Frozen fruit is where it's at but I think I'm gonna start freezing my own as 1. it's cheaper and 2. it's fresher/less preservatives. I ALWAYS add ground flax in there and if I'm in the mood for a 'treat', I'll add cocoa or almond butter. I actually have a post coming soon that will be completely dedicated to a day of smoothies. I plan on making 3 meal replacement smoothies and 2 snack smoothies. I'm beyond pumped for this :)

    Hot yoga was actually phenomenal! It's 40/month but that's a beginner deal. It's more than that after the first. Check out their website. It's pretty detailed and informative.

    Re: Allan - he showered post-yoga haha I was a MESS! A total mess! haha but I felt great. And yes, they allow beginners.

    My schedule is pretty sucky also as I get every second weekend off and don't get home until 7 in the nights. But, Moksha has a class at 8:30 so we should definitely do that, Laura.

    Personally, I think man/woman diet/fitness tips are pretty much the same. 70% diet, 30% exercise (though I'm sure many would argue on this one). I haven't tried the Nike run but I've heard so many great things about it. I really need to start using my phone for more tracking.

    And thank you so much! That means so much to me :) And Emily ;)
