Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How to Limit the Bad Eating & Increase the Exercise

Just thought I'd write a fun little post on 9 ways that help limit poor eating from my diet & keep exercise a priority

1. Start the morning with protein -  usually eggs (so filling) and a piece of fruit

2. Drink lots of water and make a note of just how much - I'm up to 2.5-3-L / day in the work week. I mark the number of Lulu bottles consumed on my whiteboard at work

3. Drink tea  - probably not the healthiest but I find drinking tea fills me up. I also find flavored tea quite satisfying

4. myfitnesspal - I've been using myfitnesspal on and off for many months now but in the past month, I've attempted at being a little more strict with it. It has sooo many foods on it and it truly gives you an idea of what you're putting into your body

5. Marking fitness on the calender - I put an X on my calender for the days I jog, the initials as to where I've jogged or a 'gym' on the days I've gone to the gym. I kid you not, seeing a row of 'X's will keep your head on straight with regards to staying active. The more I plan to do....the better I wanna feel....the better I have to eat.... win win win

6. Planning your workouts - I usually make a set goal on Sunday (X amt of miles jogged, walked, time on the elliptical, cross-trainer etc) but I know the more sugar and garbage I consume in the run of a  week, the less motivated I become to get my butt in gear. Make the list, track the record and stay focussed on your Sunday goal(s).. I assure you, it will have such an impact on when and what foods you consume

7. Take photos - yes, I'm the girl at the gym that takes pictures of her stats on the machines. I hate how very wrong the calories are (obv!) but taking pictures reminds me to write it down, look at my track record and push a little further come my next workout! It's actually nice to skim through your phone and see multiple pictures of lengthy workout times. :)

8. Stop weighing - those of you who know me know that I was once a huge addict for the scale. Not kidding, I would wake up 1-2 3-4 times a night and run to the bathroom to check my weight. Looking back now, it was actually sick. When I was up in weight, I'd binge. When I was down, I'd starve and de-hydrate. I was never happy with the number. If I was a pound heavier than I had anticipated, I'd get super depressed and either run until I made myself sick, or eat until I needed to vomit (this happened. O boy, did this happen). Last October I brought my scale to work for a 'Biggest Loser' competition. The competition was cancelled as my opponant developed a terrible illness. After that month, I decided to leave my scale at work. I go to my mother's house - I avoid the scale. I go to my father's house - I avoid the scale. Weighing makes me crazy. Crazy makes me fat!

Don't get my wrong, I think about my weight a lot. A-L-O-T! But the thoughts of feeling how I felt back in those days is soooo not worth it to me. So there. Lose the scale and judge by the pant size.

9. Read Fitness Blogs - This my #1! I rave about fitness blogs! Reading about other people who have the same struggles, obstacles and goals as yourself is a definite motivation to keep on truckin' and make all the right decisions with leading a healthy lifestyle!

*Does anyone else have any tips? What helps you make better choices? What encourages you to keep your hand out of the cookie jar? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


  1. It's definitely a cycle! When you workout, you feel good and want to eat well. Then when you eat well, you want to work out. You just gotta get into the routine!

  2. Awesome blog Vic! I am defiantly one of those obsessed scale weighers, it's bad lol maybe I will join the fitness blogging world, I totally agree that saying you will do something out loud gives you the push you need to follow through! And god knows I need that push ;) keep up the good work!

  3. Set goals! Everyone usually finds something that becomes "their thing". My thing became cycling! My goal was to become a cycling instructor and here I am two days away from a weekend of hardcore training to teach RPM classes at Goodlife! I am addicted and never miss a day on the bike. Enjoy running? Register for a marathon. Lifting Weights? Sign up for a fitness competition. Set your goals high because there is no better feeling than reaching your limit :)

  4. Love this post Vic!! Keep it up :)
