Monday, February 3, 2014

Tonight - Day 1 / 12 of MM! Bam

Hey hey!

Guess what today is? orrr guess what tonight is?

Tonight is my first class at Metabolic Meltdown: Strength/Athletic Program.

Yup, quite pumped here. Heather started it a while back and she hasn't stop raving about it so i signed up for the month of February ($125.00 for Monday/Wednesday/Friday)! Woop wooooop!


I'll tell you also about that after I've completed my first class though..

I really wanted to post so I could chime into the fact that I haven't been eating the greatest lately. So I could admit to it. (Isn't that odd? Sometimes I feel like if I eat 'bad' ..then I have to post so I'm held accountable haha) I'm so 'blah'.

Anyways, I think the reason I've been 'blah', is due to my lack of energy (which is from a crazy deficiency in iron). This has affected my mood terribly and my days have been long and tiring.

We're super busy at work lately and it seems as though I can't keep on top of it. I'm home every night with huge water-filled eyes because I can't stay awake. It's the worst feeling ever. My caffeine intake is beyond terrible (I'm not even going to tell you what I've been consuming - you'd throw up) and my sleep pattern is all out of whack!

Anyways, I had a moment last night where I told David that I'm just not comfortable with my body lately. That I'm not comfortable in my own skin to be honest. This, this is so true. I've been feeling this way since probably last Monday (as prior to that I had such a clean-eating, exercise-filled week). I haven't weighed in a few days and I hope I get back on track with avoiding the scale.

In a nutshell I've been feeling very undisciplined and all over the place. I get home, I'm too tired to cook so I just eat what's in reach and pass out. Blah. A day in the life.

Note: Yes, I am being such a drama queen.

I guess I just wanted to rant on about how I've been feeling (as I'm sure some of you feel the same way) and let you all know about my new training programing with Metabolic Meltdown.

I'm hoping that tonight triggers something in me. I know I'll be sh!t cause I have no energy and barely made the drive to work today.. but I wanna have an eye-opening moment. An 'if you need a week off of the gym .. do it' moment. I want to stop feeling guilty and then later eating my feelings haha cause I sometimes think that's what I'm doing.

Like, am I the only one here? Does anyone elses mind work like this or am I just gone? Completely and utterly gone!?

Also, my rule this week, is to start every morning with a smoothie or green juice.

Monday - tick

To eat clean and make sure there are nutritious foods on hand so I never feel the need to just 'grab'.

And to ask if you ever feel the same?

Cause today is Day 1 and today is get-out-of-that-rut day.

And ps. It took me 28-minutes to prep for the week!

If your excuse is "I don't have time" ... save it!

Anyways .. I'm 100% rambling now and I have to finish up for the day (23-minute blog post .. not bad).

Happy Monday, Friends!

Wish me luck tonight!

And I'm sorry for the most pointless-bitchy-cry-me-a-river post !! I though? ;)


  1. We all have these days.... but good for you for taking charge and getting to the class and prepping a healthy spread for the week:) Throw lots of spinach in those smoothies for iron. Blackstrap molasses and lentils/beans have lots of the stuff too. You'll get back on track just like you always do ;) Can't wait to hear how the class goes!

    1. I eat so much spinach and still can't get energized .. But, I only rarely add them to my smoothies. I think I'll need to start this again. Thanks. I'm back on my iron medication so I'm hoping this will amp my levels. Blackstrap mollasses hey?

      Yes, I only recently heard that lentils/beans have iron (I'm behind on the times) .. I've been experimenting with bean salads lately and love them!! I'm off for 4 days after tomorrow and I think I'm gonna take a day to do some experimenting in the kitchen :)

      I'm going to write a post about the class very soon (I've been too tired to keep up with posting lately).
      I have class again tonight and honestly, I don't know how I'm going to do it.

      I.can.not.move =) Yayyy
