Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wednesday workouts that motivate Weekend workouts

So I had the best workout ever tonight! I headed to the gym with Heather after work and did a shoulder/back workout (from my Phase 2 plan), followed by a 9-minute core workout that Heather attempted last week and had to share. You might remember my 25-Minute Core Workout that I posted last week? Well this one is shorter, very effective and can be done at home.

Wednesday Workouts

Shoulders & Back
Dumbbell Shoulder Presses, Dumbbell Side Lateral, Hammer Strength Row

Bent over Rear Delt Flys, Smith Machine behind the back shrugs,
Seated Cable V-bar Rows, Lat Pull-downs (over hand and reverse)
9-Minute Core Workout

1-minute Russian Twists with a 4-kg medicine ball - "God, this isn't hard"
1-minute Toe Touches with a 4-kg medicine ball - "I'm pretty flexible"
1-minute Bicycle Crunches - "My legs are sore.."
1-minute Leg Raises (bring your legs as close to the ground as possible) - "Shit! I can't go low enough"
1-minute Knee Grab Sit-Ups - "Sweet mother!!! We're only half-way through"
1-minute Plank - "My gentle..."

Repeat the above at 30-second intervals!

This workout isn't as easy as it looks. I was a cocky *insert word here* when I started but it beat me out and I sweat like a mother *insert whatever you choose here*

*Note: all you really need for this workout is a stop watch (we used an iPhone) and a yoga mat. We also used a medicine ball but you could still perform the workout without this


When I had my weigh-in this past Tuesday and was told I had gained 4-lbs (not a muscle 4-lbs, either), I had quite a wake-up call. I could actually feel my blood pressure rise and my anxiety was on max. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard when you feel you're doing things right, yet you see no results. I obviously know I was not following my nutrition plan as well as I should have been but I'm still so new to a lot of the information. I'm not trying to make excuses but accepting that you need to consume carbs to restore your body post-workout .. and need to eat as soon as you wake .. and many more key facts are hard to wrap my head around.

I'm super excited to that I'm off this weekend and my goal is to lose that 4-lbs + 1 more (fingers crossed). I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off and what better way to get my ass in gear than to post all of my fitness plans/all my other productive plans and see what I follow through with, right? Right.

Weekend Plans
  1. Not sleep in past 8:30 am at any point
  2. Complete the 9-minute core workout 2-3 times
  3. Do a hot yoga morning class
  4. Run 7-8 miles
  5. Bike 7-8 miles (gym bike though)
  6. Use the elliptical at least once
  7. Use the cross-ramp at least once
  8. Try Max Fitness Centre gym (I have a free month membership from competing in the Glory Dash)
  9. Complete my leg workout (I'm behind on workouts this week from my Gros Morne vacay)
  10. Do a Shakti yoga class
  11. Drink 7-8 L of water every day
  12. Limit my coffee intake to 2/day (I'm big on coffee when I'm off) 
  13. Limit my energy drink consumption to 2 total within the 3 day period
  14. Drop that 4-5 lbs
  15. Bake healthy protein treats for next week
  16. Purchase a foam roller (holy sore muscles here lately)
  17. Stretch for a minimum of 10-minutes every morning upon waking
  18. Get my mother to take some progress pictures and post them
  19. Follow-up on this list come Sunday evening and see a bunch of strike-thru lines
  20. Be able to tell you all how great I feel on Sunday evening :)
I posted a June Goal post a few months back and did a follow-up at the months end. This was actually one of my more popular posts so this week, I will try the same but make a 3-day goal post. Wish me luck :)

Fun Fact (that isn't so fun): Did you know that drinking water while eating your meals can slow down the digestion process? It's actually more beneficial (in my opinion anyway) to drink before and after a meal.

Have you had any great workouts lately?
Any weekend goals/plans?

If anyone has any questions, comments or would like to share some tips (I love advice), contact me at

Happy Weekend, Friends! :)

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