Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Weekly Recap Sunday, October 13-19 & A New Goal

Weekly Workout Recap
So I must admit, last week was a good week for workouts.  I finished my third week of October feeling like a ninja (not really though) but I do feel pretty good. So good in fact, that I wanna push myself so I have the same feeling next weekend! yay!
I blogged about my Sunday workout on this post.
Gym #1 - 2.67 Mile HIIT on the treadmill + 35-minutes of core
Gym #2 -10-minutes cardio on the stairmaster + 40-minutes strength training
4.0 Mile HIIT on the treadmill (and was able to cook while doing so)


I was super tired on Tuesday so I knew I wouldn't be doing much. I settled for a 1.5-mile incline walk and some lunges/squats. 
I actually spelled my name (2-minutes per letter V-I-C-T-O-R-I-A) to switch things up and for each letter, I increased the incline by 2%. This made the walk incredibly difficult! I was absolutely drenched when I reached 1.5-miles.
It's pretty easy to spice up your workouts, isn't it?

Wednesday - Night off
1.1-mile HIIT on the treadmill (4-am run)

I did 1.1-mile of high intensity interval training in the morning to get my day started but I died in the night time. I actually fell asleep fully clothed with the lights on. I definitely needed the rest.

Thursday - Night off
Travel day!

1:00 all over body workout with Tiffany (arms, shoulders, chest, legs, core)

4-mile HIIT on the treadmill
15-minutes strength training
Started the 30-day ab challenge
Started the 30-day squat challenge


Miles Completed - 13.27
If you don't use a calender to document your workouts, do it! I find this method is crazy good for keeping motivated!

Weekly Eats

Last week was pretty much the same as every other week with regards to meals. I have it planned it a little differently this week and switched up my groceries so I didn't get bored. Fun right? Of course .. I swapped out apples for pears .. mixed vegetables for brussels sprouts .. ahh I might have even swapped out peppers for asparagus. Ha. Look at me go. I'm such an exciting eater (blah) .. BUT, I shall be doing lots of baking at the end of November and will be posting a lot of exciting recipes (you should see my recipe book. It sure is filling up! Loves it)!

Anyhow, last week I ate a whole lot of ..

Pork loin done in the slow cooker. I bought a slow cooker a little while a go and it has been working out great for me! I can jump on the treadmill and get my run on while my poultry is cooking on high. Or I can come home, throw  some pork in the cooker, set the timer and go to the gym and/or bed. Excellent.
And a ton of this..
I tried cumin on my chicken with grilled asparagus and spinach and it was delish! My epicure spices came in this week so I'm pretty pumped to try out some new flavours. Spicin' things up, right? (no pun intended..ha..ha)

Every morning I had this..

my new favourite breakfast

and a bit of this

But early on this week, I decided to get crafty in the morning and whip up a different type of pancake. It was a 4:45am experiment but it turned out awesome! Friends, I give you ..

I kinda just whipped this together, so bare with me.

  • 1/2 cup of brown rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup of egg whites
  • 1T vanilla extract
  • 1T of natural cocoa (I used a pretty heaping spoon for)
  • 1T chia seeds
  • 1T hemp hearts
  • 1/2 cup of NutriWhey protein powder (I actually ran out and only had approx. 1/2 of a scoop left. I will definitely be using a whole scoop when I re-stock. I loved the mixture of vanilla and cocoa)
  • 1T coconut oil (for greasing the pan. Don't be skimpy as it's the oil that gives the pancake the topping flavour)

  1. Grease pan with coconut oil
  2. Mix all ingredients in a small bowl and mix
  3. Add to pan and let cook
*I did this really quick and was running around getting ready so the pancake is a little disfigured. The pancake itself holds its shape very well.
**add some greek yogurt or maple syrup if you dare ;)

Other than salads, I didn't really take many pictures of what I was eating [1. you've seen it all before and 2. I posted lots of food pictures from Thursday onward in my Halifax post(s)]

So what's in store for this week? Well I had a lot of leftover pork and a lot of vegetables so I only had to pick up a few things.

What's in store for this week?

Celery - to snack with all-natural peanut butter when I need a little something
Pears - to sub in where I'd have an apple
Peppers - for stir fry
Baby Tomatoes - for a quick pick
0% fat, Plain Greek Yogurt - Unsure if I'm gonna eat this cause I've been off of dairy for quite a while (we'll see)
Raspberries - subbing in for blueberries for early mornings
Sweet Potato - I stopped eating sweet potato with my lunches because I find it bloats me but I wanna whip up a batch of Morning Glory Muffins
Ice Berg Lettuce - Last week got me in a funky salad mood! I'm actually SO excited to try out all my new vinegarettes (fig, maple, blueberry, pomegranate) Yum!
Grapefruit - I generally eat 1/2 of a grape fruit every day but I only bought one this week because I wanna switch it up a little
Avocado - I mush this up and use it to top my salads (1/4 avocado at a time)

Notice I added in the California Harvest Chipotle & Lime Mustard that I bought from Liquid Gold? I just had that placed there cause I was tidying up the groceries scattered throughout the kitchen.

I'm trying to be a little more organized with my workouts these days so I started writing down my plans again (skipped writing it down last week seeing how I wasn't sure when I'd workout while visiting Tif) but I'm back on track this week.

Before I go, I must share my latest purpose for amping up my running.

Know what that is?

Well it's two things. It's my registration confirmation for the Run to Remember 11k on Monday, November 11th and it's my name under the male registry. Minor I suppose.

Anyhow, happy days, friends!

Do you meal plan? What do you put in your oatmeal?

Do you plan your workouts? How about planning on running the November 11th race with me? Yes? Ok, sounds good :)


  1. Great post!

    I need to work on a meal plan. This is where I lack in the whole scheme of things. I also love the idea of planning your workouts, something I'm going to start doing today!

    I might be interested in the Run to Remember race. I've been looking for something else to work towards. 19 days doesn't give me much time though :/

    And one more thing, you look FAB! :)

    1. Em, just set a time, sit and do it! It'll make your life a hell of a lot easier/healthier!
      You now have the 10k training schedule so start there. We're 3- weeks away so perhaps you should start on week 2? I started on week 2 last night but it's what you feel comfortable with. Give it 3 days and you'll see such an improvement in your running! I'm so excited to run this! and Ps. Thank you :) (rough picture of me cooking there .. holy smokes)

  2. I always meal plan! I hate making several trips to the grocery store and I prefer to get the bulk of my ingredients at the market on Saturday. It also makes lunches easier when I have a "theme" to the week and I can take leftovers from dinners :)

    1. Hmm, a theme .. I like that idea actually!

      I buy in bulk also and I cook quite a bit at a time, buttttt, I have to watch the baking because everytime I come up with a protein brownie or healthy cookie, I eat in excess. Yum
