Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Surprise Motivational Sayings

Making Excuses to Workout & Losing Motivation?

Ya, me too. Well sometimes.. more often recently.. but I still manage to kick my ass to the gym at least 5-days a week (not saying that I have a magical 'holy-F-I'm sknny' workout each time .. but ya gotta start somewhere, right?)

In efforts to keep my drive to train/workout when I'm tired lazy, I started my own little get movin' tactic. I used this girl as a means to push myself.

[image source]

You're probably wondering who this random chick is, right? Well it's Ashley Horner, a WBFF (World Beauty Fitness & Fashion) member. I was looking for swim suit styles/colors that would suit my shape/complexion and it's a struggle seeing how I have an overly long torso. A friend rolled upon Ashley Horner and sent some pictures of her a week back. I immediately fell in love with this woman's body.

Horner has thick legs (like me), a decent size ass behind (like me) and a long torso. I actually think she's a smokeshow and have been googling her daily for like a week straight (k-k-kreepy)

Anyhow, back to 'staying motivated'..

There are many tricks that enable us to keep our regimes a regime. Some people:
  • Post motivational quotes on Facebook
  • Search motivation/create boards on pinterest (guilty)
  • Take quotes from the Internet and start to repeat them daily (guilty)
  • Save photos as the wallpaper for their cell phones (guilty)
  • Live by a vision board (Yes! If you don't have one, start one! Amazing)

My personal vision board

  • Make list(s) so you have that extra 'umph' to draw some strikeouts (guilty)
...and the list goes on (no pun intended)

My new tactic?
Surprise Motivational Sayings
Step 1 - I googled the hottest pictures of Ashley Horner I could find. You could obviously use any inspirational model or any sort of motivational picture you'd like but for me, she was my #1 selection. I copied and pasted 9 of her pictures and then printed them off
Step 2 - Using laminating paper, I placed her pictures into the transparent sheets one by one
Step 3 - Using the laminator that I have access to at work, I fed the pictures through the feed (you could always just go to Staples as I'm sure we don't all have an laminator in our back pockets)<--weird sentence

Step 4 - I cut each picture out individually and paired it with some of my favorite motivational/inspirational quotations

Step 5 - I hand-wrote each quote on the back of each picture and placed the pictures in areas that I commonly come in contact with

In my glove compartment at work. I put my work scan card
there at the end of the day, so if I'm thinking
about skipping a workout...think again!

I enclosed one in my lap top as I use this quite frequently

On my computer screen at work

As a bookmark

My bedroom mirror where I stand each morning

On my vision board which I make sure to take a glance at
each morning

In the console of my car

To you this may seem silly. To me, this works! When I'm leaving work and I find every excuse not to workout, I see this rocket of a body and kick my self to Goodlife.
When I am so damn lazy for my morning run and I stare in the mirror debating if I could go or stay, I see this rocket of a body and put on my asics.
When I convince myself that It's equally productive to read a book rather than workout, I see that bookmark and decide it's better to read while I'm on the treadmill.
When I convince myself that I'm hungry, though I know it's boredom .. I see that bod on my fridge and I close the fridge door.

So, what do you do to stay motivated?

Do you have a hardtime working out after a long day at work?

Do you speak aloud with motivational quotes when you're ready to throw in the towel?

Motivate me. Share your own.

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