Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Work Weight Loss Challenge

I really consider myself quite lucky that this second new challenge has come my way. What I speak of you ask? O, not much just the KBAC Belly-Off Challenge! Yup, a biggest loser-kinda competition at my work. How awesome, right?

What is the KBAC Belly-Off Challenge?

The challenge is a percent weight loss challenge for staff members within the company. The challenge will last for a period of 10-weeks starting August 20th. Definitions fitness will be leading the challenge. They will be taking measurements and weight at the start, midway and end of the challenge. They are going to be monitoring group progress and provide feedback on accomplishments.

There are going to be prizes for participants, including a $/Lbs loss reward program ($25.00/Lb loss for your first 5-lbs)

Bonus - 3 lunch and learns presented by Definitions on various health topics.


Ok, so if you know me outside of this blog, you know I've competed in 'Biggest Loser' 'ish types of competitions before. I've won some and lost some. Most importantly, they are such a lesson learner with regards to knowing your physical and mental capabilities with changing your lifestyle. Obviously when this opportunity came up, I jumped on it! (O, and I'm a money-who*e). So ya, the team of 3 that I'm on are gonna rock this!

My Teammates

Heather Sullivan
Miss Sullivan looking phenomenal

1. Weight loss goal - 10lbs and 5 inches (overall). I am aiming low here! I don't want to have a high weight loss and inches goal if I can't maintain it. Let's be realistic! I plan to lose the healthy way, I do not plan on starving myself J

2. Favourite physical activity - Weight Training & Interval Training

3. Habit I plan to change - My diet. I have to say, I love food but unfortunately good and bad foods! I am going to completely cut out bread and drink as much water as possible. The physical activity comes easy to me! I have always been active and played sports in high school. Now I go to the gym and enjoy walking , hiking and running on days I do not go to the gym. For the days I don't feel motivated to exercise, (everyone has these days), I make myself "just do it"! I plan to maintain a positive attitude and never say "tomorrow". If you don't make changes today, then you won't make them tomorrow!

4. What I Plan to do to stay on track - Prepare, prepare, prepare. It is soooooo important to pre-cook foods and pack them for work meals. I work 10-11 hour days so without a healthy lunch available, I will choose fast food. I plan to take many Costco runs for healthy groceries! Ps. Their fruit is so fresh and is way cheaper than Sobey's/Dominion and you get a lot more for your buck! J

5. Why I think you we have a good chance at winning this challenge - I think 'we' as a team (V, Corrina and I) have a good chance at winning this competition because all three of us are motivated to lose weight/inches/build muscle and be healthy! We all have similar backgrounds when it comes to exercising and lifestyle. I don't like saying "I" have a good chance because, to me, winning is reaching my goals! To win out of all the individual co-workers would be fabulous but I don't have that much to lose so I feel I would come in the middle with results. These past few months I have been a bit off track with my eating and exercise so this competition will for sure help me reach my goals and stay on track. Did I mention the money involved in winning?? Hellloooo $$$$!!!!

6. What I hope to get out of this challenge when it's all said and done - I hope that overall I will feel great about myself and be able to maintain this lifestyle. I am generally a healthy person but when it comes to diet, I go into a carb and fast food overload and I am a huge snacker. This needs to stop today! I would also like to fit into my jeans nicely! Jeans are always a way to see and feel for yourself weight/inches lost in my opinion.

Corrina Cranford
Corrina with her husband, Jeremy and their precious daughters,
Brianna & Sophie

1. Weight loss goal - Ideally, I would love to lose 20-lbs but who am I kidding? 20-lbs is nuts to lose in 10-weeks, so I'm going to aim for 15 instead lol. I am trying to be realistic but also push myself at the same time, too. I know it's going to be hard work, but with hard work comes long term gain and right now, I need to set a goal and I need to reach that goal!

2. Favourites physical activity - My newest favourite physical activity is definitely running! I am very new and in the early stages of becoming a full-time runner but so far I love it. After working hard all day, I love the new feeling of coming home after work and getting 45-minutes to myself. I feel as though it gives me a chance to blow off some steam, clear my head and get the endorphins moving!

*Feeling super pumped right now ;)
3. Habit I plan to change - The biggest and worst habit I have is being a late-night snacker. I know, I know ... worse habit ever! But with this type of goal and some amazing motivation around me, I really hope to conquer this god awful habit.. I know that with eliminating this habit alone, I WILL see results. (I hope).

4. What I Plan to do to stay on track - To stay on track, I am going to agree with Heather and say prepare... prepare... prepare!! I strongly believe that this is the key to healthy living. I am also going to continue running as often as I can, and perhaps even a scattered video here and there (Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred) but not following her meal plan - I would starve!!!!

Did I mention I have 2 children as well?? Dear God, what have I gotten myself into?!?!?!?

5. Why I think we have a good chance at winning this challenge - I think we have a good chance at winning because HELLOO!!! We are strong, committed and powerful women. With the amount of support we have on this team, there is no reason why we can't win this! We got this ladies!! It seems as though we all come from some sort of an active background where we have worked out before, participated in sports AND, did I mention we are not strangers to a challenge?!

6. What I hope to get out of this challenge when it's all said and done - When this challenge has been completed, I hope to get a feeling of achievement and satisfaction. I have been wanting to set a new goal/challenge for myself and when Victoria called me today to seek interest, I thought "yup, take this challenge" so here I am.

I hope to be proud of myself and my team for trying our best and completing this to the end. Who knows ... It may be the start of achieving much bigger goals in the future.

Did I mention I am super stoked about this?!! I can't wait to get started J

Me me me

So ya, obviously you know I love list making and questionnaires/surveys .. yadda yadda yadda .. So I hopped right in on this also.

1. Weight loss goal - I'm a little unsure what a realistic goal for weight loss is for me at the moment. With the upcoming NLABBA, I know I have to gain muscle mass and muscle weighs more than fat. With that being said, I'm sure/hoping to be 20-lbs lighter when the end creeps near.

2. Favourite physical activity - I'm gonna have to say jogging/running. I'm sure this is no surprise to you as I don't shut the F up about my "I jogged here" and "o, o what an awesome run I had this night" blah blah, but as like I've mentioned in the past, I now enjoy running for running. And not just for the aid in a weight loss battle.

3. Habit I plan to change - I've completely manipulated most bad habits I have to train for the show in November so I have a big start there (nutrition, weight-training, cardio), but lately, I've been putting a lot of thought into my sleeping. I do NOT sleep enough and I know that sleep is key in the journey to losing weight and living healthy. Melatonin supplements were recently suggested so that my body can adjust and begin a new schedule but I'm still not sure. Knowing me, I'll pop a pill while sitting with a Starbucks coffee trying to look hipster. But ya, we'll see ;)

4. What I Plan to do to stay on track - Stick to my nutrition and work-out plan, keep close contact with my teammates and constantly seek tips and advice for people with the same goals. Support is key, in my opinion!

5. Why I think we have a good chance at winning this challenge - Seriously? Look at who I have as teammates! Those girls are determined, motivated and ready for this! I'm gonna keep on their asses and they better keep on mine! Both girls are a passion for activity and are so ready for a challenge. This makes me ready for a challenge.

I'm an extremely competitive person so I plan to view the next 10-weeks as a long road with a Victoria Secret swim suit at the end! Not fu*king kidding! I'll post a damn picture if when we win!

Also, I have to drop massive inches by November or my Jon and Kayla will shun me so this is an extra boost!

6. What I hope to get out of this challenge when it's all said and done - I hope to get a new outlook on healthy living,  nail a lifestyle I can live with, feel true beauty, feel confident about my body (on every angle) and rock a swim suit like I own it!! (..more than likely I already own it. Dumb joke). I plan to learn new strategies, be pushed to set new goals and walk away smiling.


I'd like to throw out a HUGE Thank You to both Heather and Corrina for taking the time to do a blog-interview and I would like to throw out a HUGE Good Luck to all competitors in the KBAC Belly-Off Challenge!

I'll drink to that, friends!

SIKE! No alcohol ;)

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