Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Productive Sundays are my Favorite

So this weekend was F to the U to the N! Fun! I may have only had Sunday off of work but Saturday night was filled with laughs and Sunday was topped with exercise and productivity! Yay for no hangovers!

My day you ask? ..
Well here goes..
Signal Hill

Mom & Myself
the view never gets old
yelling out to Trude, telling her to truck it up that last set of stairs
I got home from Ed's house a little after 12pm. I was so surprised I wasn't hungover and sooo grateful (my past two Sundays have been shocking). Anyhow, I called up mother-bear and we headed for the Cuckled's Cove Trail. I'd never done it before and mom said it'd be a better workout than just doing Signal Hill. I'd never done it before. I'D NEVER DONE IT BEFORE! WHY???? It was soooo beautiful! How could I had never tried this hike before?? I almost felt as if I'd missed out on years of awesomness! My god, it was beautiful and suchhh a great workout! I actually can NOT wait to go for round 2 this weekend.
Quidi Vidi 1/2
I was feeling a little fat swollen after drinking/eating lots the night before, and I was full of energy. I figured since we ended up at QV that I might aswell have a light jaunt around the lake. Guess what? .. I wasn't even a minute into my walk when I decided I was in a running mood. I started a light jog (still patiently waiting for bad karma to hit me and a massive hangover to kick in right then and theree) but noooo. No such thing! I began my jog and loved every second of it! I later explained to mom that it was one of those jogs that you're not looking for your finish mark or looking at your watch to see how much time is left. I loved it solely for running. The endorphins released were riding high and I was actually in my glee!
Post-jog - sun burn + sweaty betty
Not kidding, I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life. That sounds dramatic but it was 24+ degrees out and I felt like I could barely catch a breath. So satisfying though and beyond worth it :)
Post-jog Beer?..and a steak
After my jog I went to moms to see what all the news was / get something to eat. It was a definite deck beer day so that's exactly what we did. Sam scam came over and her and the mama drank a little homemade wine and I downed my own little serving.
I actually think I would quit my day job and workout alllll dayyy longggg if it justified drinking cold beer all day (skeet?) ahh yuhh! I just can't handle it. I would run laps around a horse if I knew there was a half case involved. I preach about eating healthy and "hi, I'm Vic. And I like to run. And I like the gym" blah blah blah but secretly I'm a undercover lover of post-workout beer! Budlight to be correct, but I'll settle for anythang in hot weather :) Le sighh o lifee 
 I'm definitely not a big steak kinda gal but when mom put this offer on the table, I gladly accepted! :)

I am definitely an almond kinda gal :)
Mama-bear+baby-bear havin a glass ;)
Quidi Vidi 2/2

It was still warm in the late evening on Sunday so when Val text and asked if I was game for Quidi Vidi, I was more than happy. We met there around 6:30pm and just walked and chatted. When we were all finished, Val wanted to do something else (though she had just done two laps) so we headed to Kent's Pond and did a lap around there (1.5km, 0.9mi). I have to admit, I was super pleased with the amount of exercising I did. It may have been a lot of walking, but slow running is better than no running ;) (not funny, I'm aware)
On the List:

  • steak (stir-fry)
  • red onion
  • green onion
  • iceberg lettuce
  • carrot match-stix
  • pre-pkg stir fry
  • sweet potato (3)
  • green peppers (4)
  • hemp hearts
  • ground flax (sweet potato flax crisps)
  • granny smith apples (3)
  • eggs
  • sunbutter ($4.99/bottle this week - high five!)
  • dill
  • sun-dried tomato spice
Total: $70.71
Prepping Hour  
I'm trying to switch up my meals so I don't get bored (I find this is key to eating remotely well) so I bought a steak (I generally cook up a bunch of pork loin) to switch it up. I bought hemp hearts (so good for you and so delicious on salads), some new spices and herbs and some sweet potato to make sweet potato flax crisps
After I got back from Dominion and unpacked everything, I took an hour to prep some goodies for the week (hardly call them goodies all the same - meh).
Bbq Chicken Breast - mom bbq'd these while I sat and hydrated
myself in the sun. She cooked a 1/2 a box of Harvest Creek to
get my through the week (4kg for $29.99) 
Small fruit salad since I'm only working three days this wk:  green grapes,
 peach, orange parts 

I have a lot of individual packages of hummus and there is nothing
 that tastes better with hummus than green peppers..Get in mehhh :)  

Shaved a head of lettuce as I assumed I may put this off and it 
would go bad if I didn't do it right then and there.

I love having lettuce on hand to make a quick salad ;)

Classic egg boil-up and vegetables

Salad Toppings

Sweet Potato & Flax Crisps
So ya, that was it. Enough to get me through 4 days and then some. I truly love grocery shopping and planning my meals. If I have a good mind-set on what will be on the menu for the week, it's more likely that I'll eat better and feel better.
Why was Sunday such a good day??
  • Realized I only have 8.8-miles to run this month
  • Exercised 12.9km (not including the Chuckled's Cove turnoff. Just counting the Signal Hill portion)
  • Found a new hiking trail that I'm in love with
  • Got a tan burn
  • Completed goal #10 on my June list - walk or jog Quidi Vidi 7 times
  • Completed goal #14 on my June list - bake something I've never baked before
  • Completed goal #17 on my June list - compose my Tely 10 playlist
  • Finalized goal #19 on my June list - add 10 recipes to my recipe book
  • Finalized goal #22 on my June list - walk 20-miles
  • Ate exceptionally well (steak, almonds, chicken breast, banana, homemade granola) 
  • Was in bed by 11pm
So there you have it. A healthy (minus alcohol) and Happy Sunday!
What do you do to make the most of your Sundays? Do you find it hard to spend your whole day being active when your friends are having deck beers? (me too)


  1. I spent all weekend sitting on decks, drinking and eating! The only excuse I have is it was the first weekend of summer and there were some exciting life events to celebrate. I'd like to focus on working out in the mornings if this becomes a habit/it cannot become a habit.

    I love the grocery list and food prep! This is an area I have been lacking in lately :/

  2. Emily, I laughed out loud at the "/it cannot become a habit" hahah killed me!

    I know what ya mean though .. I can always justify drinking but my eating hasn't been great. It's just the random picking of things that I need to stop. I used to be a lot more disciplined!

    We'll get in the groove ;) We're allowed to slack .. it's summer!!

  3. I love your meal prep!! I guess having a steady job schedule helps you know what you need to prepare.... restaurant working doesn't help my meal planning much.....
