Monday, June 17, 2013

A Lovely Saturday

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

I had such a good day on Saturday. I was so glad I decided not to drink on Friday night as I'm sure that would have messed up my Saturday plans for a good workout. I got out of bed at 8:00am (f, ya!) and started tidying the house and doing laundry. I boiled some eggs and had an early morning Epsom salt bath (new love). I had yoga at 10:30am and was planning on heading to the gym afterwards so I packed my gym bag and was on my merry way! I headed out and guess where my stop #1 was?

you know what it is
I ordered a delicious black ice americano and ended up having the most unique encounter with an older gentleman in the Starbucks like. It ended in family introductions, a good luck charm for myself and my grandmother and a very happy/excited Victoria. (I'll post on this soon).

Hatha Yoga
I went to Hatha from 10:30am-11:45am. It was suchhh a good workout! A lot of people associate yoga with just relaxation. Though it IS very relaxing, it's also a really effective allover body workout and it definitely takes a lot of strength to hold yourself in those awkward positions. I wrote about Yin last week but Saturday was Hatha day. Hatha is more of a strengthening type of yoga where Yin focuses on relaxation and the inner parts of ones self.
Americano+Hatha=Happy Victoria

See below for the description that Shakti gives for Hatha Yoga

Gym Time

After yoga, I felt phenomenal. I was so loose and relaxed. I started to feel a little hungry and I hadn't eaten yet so I headed home for a quick snack/late breakfast (hard-boiled egg & egg whites) and for a pre-workout drink. (gross.. that sounds like a terrrrible combo when I re-read it).  I was home for about a half of an hour and then set out again. My muscles were all loose and I was really feelin' a good ol Saturday jog.
I ran 3-miles in a little over 30-minutes. I jogged 1.5-miles at 5.0mph, 0.5-mile at 6.5mph, 0.5-miles at 7.0mph and the last 0.5-mile at 8.0mph. It felt great! After my treadmill date, I headed for the thigh-buster to work on this butt (been targetting that area a lot lately). I did 25-minutes and was high on life afterwards so I reset and went for another 25. I spent a half hour doing a core workout/stretches post-cardio. I must admit, I was very content with my Saturday exercising! (3+hours in total..HI-YA! Like a ninja). I had plans on a washer-deck-beer-bbq so it was nice to burn the calories that I would be taking back later that evening :) yayy

Brunch Prep

Seeing how I was planning on going out drinking, I decided it would be in my best interest to do a little preparation for my Sunday brunch. I'm the classic girl who makes post-drunk plans and is ALWAYS too hung-over to accomplish ANYTHING so I decided I'd do my bitta cutting, organizing, sweeping, cleaning and all that jazz. This way, I could wake up, throw a few things on the stove and badda-boom-badda-bing-BRUNCH!

Deck Beers & Bbq

Andrew Boulos was hosting a small gathering for beers, bbqing and washers so after I got cleaned up and did a few errands, Heather and I headed down. It was actually SUCH a good time!! Andrew wasn't playing that night so it was fun to drink with him and have him actually come out with us.

The guys bbqed everything and had salads, chips, beer etc. All that fun stuff :) It was raining for the most part of the day but luckily, it cleared up in the evening and was super-duper warm! We chilled on the patio and just chatted about evvvverrryyyything. Later in the evening it got pretty chilly out so we went inside, listened to Gerry Rafferty and Paul McCartney and played card games while having laughs! It was such a fine evening. We later head downtown ....... I'd give a detailed description of our night ... but ya kno' how blurry that kinda thing can be. The rest is history :)

I hope everyone else had a fantastic Saturday!

Anyone tick a few 'to dos' off their lists?

Any happy drunks? Short or long runs?

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