Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Currently In January :)

Itttt'sssss Wednesday!

How is your morning going? Mine is ok .. had a delicious breakfast and am currently sipping on my classic black coffee! (don't you find your day just doesn't start on the right food without your morning fix? Me too!)


I wanted to do a 'currently' post cause I haven't done one in a while (slash I've only ever done two so it's not like it makes me some regular at this kinda thing).

I've been on a blog kick lately and have been picking at random topics and starting drafts. I can't wait for days off so I can plant myself at a coffee shop and just ramble on and on about all of the topics that have been consuming me :)

For now, I give you the post that I've been plugging at it for a week now:

Currently: In January

Current Book: Happier at Home

I'm currently reading Gretchen Ruben's Happier at Home. She's the author of The Happiness Project. I started that book a while back, took a break when life got busy and now someone else has claimed it. And someone else asked for a lend after him.

Ugh. I'm finding work and nights quite busy lately with little breaks/free time so for now, I'm reading my book slow and I'm in no rush to finish.

Ps. a quarter ways in .. the book is great! :)

..if you're into micromanaging list-makers!

Current Music: Songza

Current Guilty Pleasure: cinnamon and granola peanut butter...

Current Nail Color: Red

And hating it. I have been loving having nails (as they make me feel feminine) but I absolutely hate the color. I did like it for 1.2 seconds .. but I quickly got over that. Back to black next time :)

Current Drink: Green Juice

I'm sorry. I just can not get enough of green juice. It makes me feel so nourished and radiant when I drink it in the morning. It's just the perfect combination of ingredients and there are SO many pros to drinking it.

Current Food: Greek Salad

Samantha made a huge bowl of this and we have been chowing down for a couple of days now.
peppers + cucumber + onion + feta + balsamic + olive oil = Delicious!

Current Favorite Show: Extreme Homes on HGTV



Have you seen Extreme Homes? It's definitely my favourite show. David and I watch it pretty much every time we sit on the couch together!

Current Wish List: I'm only saying this cause I'm super tired .. but I've been wanting a 9-5 job lately. I'm on day 8 of work and the length of each day is really starting to get to me.. My ideal work day you ask? Ok.

hot yoga
work until noon
lunch date(s)
work until 5
gym workout
bed at 10-pm

A perfect world, right?

So right.

Current Needs: A leg workout!

I've been neglecting 'legs day' for almost a month now! I know that I work my legs in other ways (lunges, squats, running, walking, etc) but it's just not the same as having a day dedicated to:
  • calve raises
  • leg press
  • dead lifts
  • weighted lunges
  • weighted squats

Current Triumphs: Ha, sad .. but .. I'm on this 'high' where I'm patting myself on the back for not spending any money in the last 2+ weeks (minus coffee and groceries and I'm thinking of buying a fit bit). Ha.

Current Bane of my Existence: My swollen knees.

Last week I smacked my knees off my desk(twice) and bruised both. They were so sore that I skipped the gym.

Last week, I went heads up on the ice and damaged my right knee..again.

3-weeks a go, I went heads up in the driveway!


Current Celebrity Crush: I don't really have a crush on any celebrities at the moment .. but I guess if I had to pick, I'd go with Lana Del Ray.



Man! I just recently downloaded some songs I haven't heard before and she is s-e-x-u-a-l! Like .. vulgar!

..but I love it..

And she's sexy as hell!

Current Indulgences: Peanut Butter on apples all-day-every-day

Doubt I even need to explain this one ..

Current phrase: "easy now" ..

Current Outfit: Lulu for days! (literally)

Thee same outfit I wear O so often! I actually wore this two days in a row .. because I was doing a lot of field work and honestly, it's just that comfortable! Go lulu!

Lulu Lemon Run: Swifty Tech Long Sleeve
Lulu Lemon Wunder Under Crop
Wigwam Socks

Current Excitement: MARBLE!

Marble ski trip on the 27th of February, kids! Pumped? Ahh helloooo .. of course! This year there seems to be a bigger crowd than ever so I think it's gonna be such a good weekend filled with deadly food (my friends are amazzzzing cooks - hi Adam & Daniel), deadly booze (literally) and deadly people (cause I have an amazing group of friends)! .. and skiing, obv! ;)

Current Mood: Determination

The spring trip talk has risen and I can notttt wait! I really wanna feel comfortable in my own skin (I have my days) and I really wanna rock a two piece. I haven't been feeling swim suit comfortable lately (or how I picture myself in my head) so this will help in giving myself that 'extra' boost when working out and hopefully, encourage me to make healthier choices!

Current Link:

Clare @ fitting-it-all-in

Davida @ thehealthymaven

Robyn @ thereallife-rd

Kath @ katheats

Uh-oh .. I found moreblogs to add to my morning reads!

If you want inspiration, motivation and to follow a regular Joe just like you and I, you'll enjoy those blogs!

And that's January, folks!

For other 'Current Posts':

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