Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sunday Fun-day

I had a rubber arm on Saturday night and decided to downtown with a few besties for some drinking and dancing! I ended up drinking way too much, staying up way too late and sleeping my Sunday away. All in all it was such a fun night, but still, I had high hopes of being miss productive on Sunday. Le Sigh. Here's a quick recap ..

Starbucks & Boston Pizza


Crawled out of bed after 1:30pm, lounged on the couch for another half hour, chilled out on the back deck for a half hour in the sun, went for a drive, went to Starbucks for an iced americano, picked up my car, went back to Starbucks for another iced americano and then headed home to shower and get ready for supper with mom and Samantha.

The espresso was a definite pick-me-up. I'm absolutely addicted! After that was finished and I was all cleaned up, I met the fam at Boston Pizza where Samantha and I took mom to celebrate Mother's Day (Happy Mother's Day, Gertie ;) ). We caught up on the weekend, drank a little and ate a lot! (Appetizer: Large order of cheese twist bread, goat cheese dip, Main: Southwest Chicken Salad - Minus the cheddar cheese and tortilla chips).

After Boston Pizza, I pretty much had to roll out of the booth! I felt absolutely disgusting. I was so full from the pints (2) alone! Anywho, I decided not to be a lazy miss daisy and I headed for.....

Signal Hill & Quidi Vidi

It was actually incredible outdoors. I started by doing a swift walk around Quidi Vidi. I wore Lulu leggings and a tank top and I was sweating towards the end of it. Afterwards, I headed for Signal Hill to do the stairs. I ran a majority of the trail and almost died doing so! (It was 16-degrees outside) and there wasn't a breath of wind on the hill. There's alwayssss wind on Signal Hill. It was such a good night for a little exercise. I felt so much better after what I had drank/eaten at supper (Mother's Day is a freeby to eat anything, right?) .. wrong!!

Little Martha

After my adventure, I headed home to make lunch for the next day (which turned into lunch for Tim and I for Monday, and myself again Tuesday). I settled with stuffed peppers. It's such a refreshingly healthy meal! I stuff mine with ground chicken, onion, mushrooms, pesto and chick peas :) After my shower and lunch-packing, I couldn't sleep. I decided to pull a little Suzy Homemaker move and bake some Chocolate Chip Pecan Banana Bread for the guys at work. It turned out great! I have yet to try it but they told me it was delicious! Score!

O lifeeee

So that was my Sunday Fun-day! Did anyone else do anything fun? Anything worth sharing? Did anyone ride off their day by sleeping in when they should have been awake utilizing their Sunday?

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